Friday, 28 May 2010

70 Ahmadi Muslims die in Lahore Terror Attack

Today 70 Ahmadi Muslims died in a purported Taliban led terror attack.  The attacks took place in two seperate places of worship (mosques) in Lahore.  In addition to the 70 deaths a further 100 people were injured, hostages were taken by gunmen and two suicide bombers added to the melee, in a horrid act of hatred.

The British Pakistani Christian Association condemns the attack and prays for a restoration of peace in Lahore.  We beseech the Pakistnai Government to take severe action against the perpetrators of such violence to bring to justice the terrorists responsible.

We pray for the beleaugured Ahmadhi people especially for the quick recovery of all those who are injured.

Read more about the incident by clicking (here)

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Karachi Christians attacked by Taliban!

A Christian community in Karachi was attacked by members of the Taliban almost 1 year ago.  6 People were injured by bullet wounds.   1 year on we ask peopel to let us know if things have chnaged much in the since the last attack...?

Read more by clicking (here).

St Andrews Church under threat....?

I have heard very disturbing rumours that land associated with St Andrews Church in Karachi  (buli in 1868)is being sold.  I am aware that in 2002 the cas strapped church was near to bankruptcy (click here for more info).  This early Church was built by the strong Scottish protestant dwellers in Pakistan during colonial time.   If it were to go our community would lose a significant landmark.

If anyone has more info please do get in contact.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Martha Bibi

I have received the following information from brother Tanveer Khan:

Christian accused of blasphemy faces court in Pakistan

Martha Bibi (45), a Pakistani Christian woman accused of blasphemy in January 2007 is scheduled to appear in court on May 26. If deemed guilty, she may face the death penalty. Martha has been accused of making derogatory remarks against the Qur'an and of "defiling the sacred name of the prophet
Muhammad." According to local Christians, the charges were brought against Martha by Muslim contractors who did not want to pay for materials she and her husband, a bricklayer, supplied to a construction
site. (Source: ASSIST News Service)

Pray that the charges against Martha will be dropped. Ask God to embolden Martha, her six children, and her husband. Pray that the blasphemy law will be abolished in Pakistan. 


I received a rather interesting email from brother Raymond Durrani. It provided a link to a compelling blogsite on the small Christian colony of Youngsonabad. I felt obliged to share the details with other brothers and sisters.

Please click (Here)