Thursday, 27 August 2009

Important Update! Rowan Williams Archbishop throws in his support!

The image is of Rowan Williams the current Archbishop of Canterbury. Our thanks to Nasir Saeed of CLAAS for the story!

Dear Wilson Chowdhry,

Attacks on Korian and Gojra have provoked worldwide condemnation from Pakistan's Prime Minister and President, to figures such as the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan has formed a committee to review the Blasphemy law, which will hopefully consider the repeal of this law, particularly of section 295-C, which carries the death penalty.

So far no one convicted of blasphemy has been executed in Pakistan but extremists have used this law to kill several people and imprision hundreds of others.

General Musharraf promised to revise these laws twice but failed to do so. This time I hope the Government resists the fundamentalists and acts in the interests of the people.

I am really glad that the Archbishop of Cantebury and his team are helping to raise awareness about the suffering of Christians in Pakistan at this time. To see his open petition click here.

At this time please remember in your prayers Christian families of Gojra and Korian and Christians languishing in prisons falsely accused of blasphemy.
Yours in His service,

Nasir Saeed
CLAAS UK Cordinator

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