Sunday, 20 September 2009

Conscience pricked by new letter...

I received a letter from retired army Brigadier Samson Sharaf - the news is old and I also already have copies of the pictures sent. However, their is a figurative call to action and I felt that such a message is important in the current social climate in Pakistan. Any Pakistani with a conscience should be involved in trying to find a resolution, especially our Christian brothers, who must escape their apathy!

Last nights remembrance meeting at Birmingham was well attended, I believe close to 150 people visited throughout the event. Their were some very good musical performances and poetry and stirring presentations from leading Pastors and those less established - encourgaing unity of British Pakistani's and the need to continue the campaign for Human rights - seeking God in all we do! We need events such as these to retain the impetus and cohesiveness our community is finally achieving - our thanks to Indian Christian Concern for their efforts with this meeting and the solidarity thaye are showing standing with us against the injustice.
Words such as those shared below from our elderly statesmen should serve to inspire others to join our just cause for equality and justice (sic):

"Please find below the pictures of the Martyred Robert Danish. The teenager was beaten to pulp and then left hanging to death in a cover up. The boy was apprehended following trumped up charges of blasphemy in Sambrial. A church was gutted by mobs. All politicians of the constituency clustered there, but apparently the LEA's had the nudge to do things their way. This is very tragic and needs attention of Pakistanis with a conscience."

Brig (r) Samson Simon Sharaf
One thing I will raise about yesterdays meeting is that, once again the lack of young people attending and participating, cements the notion that we need a better youth engagement programme within our fellowship.


  1. I recently gave a talk at Pakistan Christian Youth Alliance and talked on the Political Economy of Christians in Pakistan. The reaction that I saw was divisive and mixed. Our clergy of Nuclear Churches as also the main steam established churches have to put their own house in order. There is just too much leadership and no doers. You could also write directly to me. I also write fortnightly for NATION and God Willing, my article will appear tomorrow.

  2. Perhaps you could write an article about the work we the British Pakistani Christian Alliance are doing. We need this blog to become even more well known, amongst our community. Moreover we need more volunteers and committe members in the UK. Promotion of our protest March on the 19th December is imperative it is an opportunity to raise our vocies on an international scale.

  3. Our case in Pakistan is different from the stance you can take being in Britain. We as Pakistanis have to find space acceptable to Muslims within Pakistan. We cannot denounce Sharia like the way you do. All Pakistanis derive strenght and arguements from the qoutes and discussions of Jinnah while interacting with Christian leaders from 1937-48.
    Have you met Attorney Zafar Emmanuel in UK? He has compiled a very good back ground study.

  4. Hi Samson,

    I have not met with Brother Emmanuel; however, I completely understand the predicament of people in Pakistan. I am a frequent visitor and have visited once or twice a year for the last 7 years.

    Our aim with the Blog is to rubber stamp the work that others in Pakistan and the UK are undertaking. Too much of this information is rather esoteric, due to the lack of a communication network. Perhaps an ideal situation would be for either yourself or Brother Emmanuel to provide us with an article to place on the Blog? For me, it would not be an issue, the prose utilised should not be as grandiloquent as the excellent features you have published in DAWN. As our readership contains those who’s vernacular is limited due to less opportunity, English being a second language and a mixture of other social, political and economic permutations - it might also be advantageous to refrain from over elaboration and perhaps to write the feature as bite sized chunks, as I can imagine it will be quite detailed.

    I am definitely interested in the work you are doing and the potential political manoeuvring we in the UK could facilitate via the words of Jinnah. Why not share this with the wider community and create a spur for the next generation and those in posterity? I am on your side, however, I would appreciate if rather than provide suggestions you sent me some coherent and well written hard copy.

    You will be educating me too on the historical commitments promised by Jinnah and that may become a pivotal and rather inspiring by-product on a blog that was initiated for very different reasons. I had not initially expected so many readers from Pakistan. The fact that Pakistani's are contributing so much to the blog means for the first time ever Pakistanis in the UK a have a direct link with what is happening there, but from a British perspective. Pakistani Christina Post is a good website, but fraught with grammatical error, fallible data and much conjecture this is the norm with most Pakistani Media. The range of direct sources we now have means that I may post 7 different stories about the same event, but this still allows a level of discernment.

    In solidarity by challenging the pernicious ruling of the incumbent leadership within Pakistan, using the strengths of the unique political and religious arenas associated and each specific to, if not in juxtaposition to one another in Britain and Pakistan - our community can finally attain a positive outcome .

    So please send me an article about the Jinnah Promises. I will write a piece for you over the weekend as discussed previously.
