Friday, 18 September 2009

New update from Shamas in Pakistan.

I received this report from brother Shamas in Pakistan:

The boy's name was Falaish and held a nickname Robert he was working at Sialkot Airport. He started having a love affair with a Muslim girl in his local village JATHIKAY. The mother of the girl first made allegations of the desecration of the Quran and went out to the Imam at the Masjid serving the native village. The Imam announced in the mosque that Robert has desecrated the Quran. This incited a mob who attacked a local church, burnt it down and also attacked christian homes, forcing Christians to flee their homes. The father of Robert was arrested by police and Robertwent to the police station on the next day so that he could be exchanged for his father's release. In a statement by his father during the protest after death of Robert, his father informed those in the area, that he was advised by police that they will kill his son. Next morning, the jail administration told the family that he had committed suicide and when Christians heard this they started a protest march.

A Post mortem undertaken under the supervision of christian doctor Tariq, revealed Robert had been killed under severe torture. He was not allowed to be buried in his native graveyard but in the graveyard of Christian Town under the direction of a very aggressive unit of close to one thousand policemen. Police did lathi charge, tear gar shelling and also fired with which three Christians were injured.

Christians are fearful in the village and the surrounding areas . This is in brief. It has also been broadcast on YouTube with pictures. May God have mercy on all Christians.


The destitute Christians of Gojra and Sumbrial are still living in fear of reprisals. We need to keep pressing as the International community is starting to take notice of our concerns. In Pakistan leaders are speaking out against the Blasphemy Law and are already rejecting the fickle response form Shahbaz Bhatti, Federal Minister for Minorities. His vows to revise blasphemy laws in a meeting with US Commission on International Religious Freedom in Washington have been ridiculed by the Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC. Nazir Bhatti has stated clearly that Shahbaz Bhatti has lost the confidence of Pakistani Christians and that no previous reforms of the Law have had any affect on the protection of minority groups or the punishment of the perpetrators of the murders or arson attacks or any other atrocity. Read more here.

The battle rages and I sense we can win a victory but to see the abrogation of the Blasphemy Law. We must all continue the fight and press on with even more vigour.

Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus, going on before!

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