Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Reported death of Robert Masih - Accused of blasphemy in Sumbrial attack!

I have received grave news, which I described in an earlier post detailing the death of Robert Masih the youth targeted for an FIR in the recent attack on Christians in Sumbrial. It would seems there are serious misgivings about the manner in which this young man died and that the media are reticent to report on the issue. I include a report from Francis Jacob in Pakistan (sic):

Robert Masih (who had affair with Muslim Girl) has been killed in police custody. He was arrested 2 days before under blasphemy Act 295-B. police stated that he has committed suicide. But people who have seen the dead body state that Robert’s dead body was marked with many brutal violent signs and police has killed him under their custody.
The human rights organizations along with Christians of Lahore have demonstrated against this brutal act of police for killing an innocent Christian on false accusation of disrespect of Quran.
Pakistani press and electronic media remained quite on this brutality against Christians.

Francis Jacob

I know this is devastating news as if true it exhibits the power local Police authorities have over communities in Pakistan, irrespective of faith. The Pakistan Police authority is know for its corruption and this was detailed in two documentaries shown in the UK "Karachi Cops" and "Lahore Police". Whatever the outcome of our campaigns, one important aim remains the need for better regulation of the policing authorities and equality of justice. This life has been lost but their are still many to be saved. God will mete out justice at the appropriate time and we all have to come before him for that judgement sinner or saved.

"The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27 v 1.
I chose the image as when slavery was abolished it was meant to be the dawn of a new age, a time for new found freedoms and equality. Yet, all I see is more misery and slavery in new forms. If Tony Blaire can apologise to African people years after the slavery was abolished (I have no issue with the apology), than surely, our government needs to tackle the existing problems in Pakistan - much of which has been antagonised by an illegal war in Iraq and the continuing war on terror. If you are reading this Gordon Brown please help Innocent Christians and other minority groups in Pakistan...!

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