Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Christians killing Christians - what next!

Here is an image of Bishop John Samuel - Friend or Foe you decide...?

I received the following correspondence form brother Xavier Williams In Pakistan. The cruelty illustrated in this plead for help is very demoralising. How can we campaign for justice for our people when our own leadership in Pakistan is causing as much distress. I am aware that it was purported that the Bishop of Faisalabad sold land next to St Johns church to Muslim developers who then built a noisy car showroom next to the church. It was also reported in local Faisalabad media that the new construction caused noise pollution interfering with church services and that rampaging Christian's were threatened at gun point by the Bishop when they picketed the development and destroyed the initial development.

This sale is said to be for personal gain and I wonder how many of us support organisations in Pakistan without the necessary reports that provide authenticated, traceability and accountability for the usage of the donations. Should we not as a concerned community - champion change to the unscrupulous actions that such organisations and individuals are taking towards vulnerable people. Here is the email I received:

A Christian Widow Mrs. Mary James lives in Dhoke Ellahi Buksh Rawalpindi. She lives next to the FGA church and has 2 young daughters. She lives with her daughters in a house worth 35 Lacs.
The Pastor incharge of FGA in Dhoke Ellahi Buksh is Pastor Rehmat Bhatti`s sons Asher Bhatti and Nadeem Bhatti have been giving threats to the widow and have tried to take over her house.

They beat her in the street and have been forcing her to sign the documents of transfer of the house on their names.She cried for help, but no one in the street helped her, even Pastor Rehmat didn't stop his sons Asher Bhatti and Nadeem Bhatti. They mercilessly beat Mrs. Mary and her daughters. They have now taken over the house and Mrs. Mary and her daughters were forced to leave.

Asher Bhatti and Nadeem Bhatti have been threatening the Christians for quite a long time. They carry guns with them and threaten anyone who tries to stop them. So no one dared to stop them.Mrs. Mary even went to the police, but the police refused to register a case due to the influential contacts of Asher bhatti and Nadeem Bhatti and the SHO is also their friend. Mrs. Mary is crying for justice.Asher and Nadeem Bhatti are running a car rental at Committe chowk by the name of "Bhatti Motors".

In another incident some financial aid was given to the FGA Church by some NGOs and individuals like Mr. Adil Azeem, Mr. Johnson Gill and Mr. Robin James, this aid has been used for personal use by the Pastor Rehmat and Mr. Asher Bhatti. As Mr. Asher Bhatti was a member of the Church Committee and dominated everyone and uses all the money for personal use.No one in the Church dares to ask them any thing due to their fear, so there is no audit or monitoring.
Please publish the news.


Obviously we can verify the veracity of this report at this early stage. However, we have asked for corroborating evidence and contact details for the church so that we can enquire into the matter. We are wondering if their are any groups in our community that tackle such matter's and await yany response. Please do share your thoughts on this despicable event.

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