Saturday 21 November 2009

Wilson's presentation and the results from our recent learning activity

Atiq Chowdhry leading learning activity

Here is a link to my recent PowerPoint presentation at the BPCA inaugural meeting. If you have any queries relating to it please do make contact:

My presentation

A video will follow this post this evening.

During the Meeting Atiq Chowdhry led a learning activity on the pros and cons of previous protest and potential improvements. The results were as follows:

  • Lack of wider or international media - coverage was dominated by Christian media.
  • Leadership not clear event seems uncoordinated
  • Only 300 people at event
  • Timing of event was not clear and event had limited preparation time
  • Not enough political figures were present at the event
  • Too much Urdu content - message not conveyed clearly to other races
  • No leaflets at first event.
  • More activity across a larger number of groups than ever before
  • Pressure resulted in some media coverage
  • More of the event was spoken in English (second protest)
  • Peoples hearts were stirred new groups have made contact - public have responded to us aware of our concerns, which they previously new nothing of
  • Leaflets were produced at second event
  • Media attention is growing regrading the concern

Suggested Improvements:

  • A coordination Team needs to be arranged prior to the Protest. (we will hold a meeting two weeks before event)
  • Maintain contact with all Asian Christian Churches (Christian Social Link to provide details)
  • Prominent leaders to lead march
  • Strong leadership
  • Trained stewards (Wilson to train -need volunteers)
  • Scheduled speakers (Christian Social Link to provide names)
  • Good worship structure before and after event - not during march
  • Wider Participation from political pressure/campaign groups, other faiths and christian organisations.
  • Formal letters to church organisations (CSL to provide details)
  • Promote demonstration through Christian media
  • Retain spiritual focus throughout event - we are ambassadors for Christ

If you would like to add any comment please do so........

It was agreed at the end of our meeting that Christian Social Link will eb our lead partners with the event.

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