Thursday, 24 December 2009

Bomb blast outside Church in Peshawar!

Maintenance engineers clean the residual blood from the recent bomb blast in Peshawar

A bomb blast killed five people in Peshawar near an army cantonment as the church was preparing for Christmas. It is not known if any Christians were killed or if they were the target as the suicide bomber was stopped by the Police. Five victims have been killed, the activity is rather alarming as Christians have received an unregistered text message to their mobiles, threatening potential attacks to churches and procession during Christmas.
More details of the bomb attack can be read (here) or (here)
More details about the potential threat to Pakistani Christians can be read (here)
The BPCA stole a march on world media and were the first reporters of the Taliban mobile threat read (here)
Listen to the Premier Christian Radio interview with Wilson Chowdhry (click here)
Premier Christian Radio will be playing an extended recording at 16:00 UK time!

1 comment:

  1. Brigadier (r) Samson Simon Sharaf24 December 2009 at 17:23

    It was close to the wall of the Presentation Convent School and the Catholic Church on Arbab Road. The wall was damaged but noth happened to Mother Mary's Grotto right next to it.

    Merry Christmas
