Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Global Dimension to our protest!

Brothers and Sisters I have had an awesome idea - even if I have to say so myself. To give even more impetus to our protest on the 19th I have spoken to William Masih in Pakistan, who has agreed to hold a protest in Islamabad and Lahore on the 19th December. This now means that our protest has a global dimension. If you are Pakistani and would like to get involved with William Masih's protests his details are as follows:

I believe we should make this a global event and that the 19th of December now be set aside for our Community as "International day for the Freedom of Pakistani Minority Groups" We should collaborate with as wide a partnership as possible and should make this an annual event, until we succeed, with our aim for Peace, Justice and Equality for all Pakistani citizens - irrespective of any diversity.

If you agree please do share your thoughts....

If you can arrange a similar event in other countries to join us - please advise!

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