Friday 18 December 2009

Green MEP Jean Lambert - Throws in her support!

Gerald Sunny, MEP Jean Lambert, Founder of the First Asian Christian Church in the UK Dr Mujeeb Chowdhry, Alex Chowdhry Chairman of the BPCA.
The only change in this phot0 is a switch of Wilson for Alex!

Green MEP Jean Lambert who is also the Chair of the South East Asian Committee held a meeting with the founder of the UK Asian Christian Church Dr Mujeeb Chowdhry.

The meeting was arranged by Wilson Chowdhry and Alex Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association and was extremely fruitful. Mrs Lambert discussed the following issues
  • The Blasphemy Law
  • Parity of Educational and Employment rights and opportunities in Pakistan
  • Police Reform
  • Reform of the Ulema Council
  • Joint electorate
  • Quota system
  • Freedom of religion particularly changing one’s religion, both here and Pakistan
  • More accountability and fairness within the Asylum Seeker provision in the UK - including better monitoring of deportees.

Some of our guests did not arrive, however a very fruitful discussion transpired and Jean Lambert has agreed to take up our concerns with the Pakistani Ambassador to the EU who has been in position for 4 Days. A full report of our meeting will need to be ratified and should be uploaded after the protest to be held tomorrow.

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