Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Meeting with High Commissioner of Pakistan

Our campaign has gone from strength to strength - it is amazing what affect a few committed people,who have a real association with a country's plight can achieve when they set their mind to do something positive.

Toady I have received confirmation that the High Commissioner of Pakistan Wajid Shamshul Hassan is willing to receive a delegation from our community on the 18th December (the day before our protest) at 16:00. This will be an opportunity to relay our concerns, whilst also seeking a response with a promise of some tangible forward plan. We would like to hear from lead community figures, who would like to be a part of our community delegation for this visit.

This meeting will occur after our 13:30 meeting with Jean Lambert Member of European Parliament (London Region). We have a full delegates list for this meeting.

Our community now has a voice, Alex and I are to be interviewed by BBC Stoke Radio tomorrow and the Lancashire Telegraph, Ilford Recorder, Romford Recorder, Barking and Dagenham Recorder and other local papers will be covering the story in their local papers this week.

The BBC have informed us that they will be covering the event on the weekend and Gateway TV and PUKAAR News have also intimated that they will be covering the event. On Thursday Alex and I will be interviewed for EAVA FM on Thursday 17th December 2009.

Women Against Fundamentalism, The Hindu Human Rights Group, The British Sikh Council, The Sikh Human Rights Group, The Green Party, The Christian Alliance, Amnesty International and many other groups will be joining us on the day.

Please come early if you are Christian as we will be having a 1 hour Worship Service outside the Pakistani Embassy from 11:00am - 12:00pm.

We have received a letter of support from the Lancashire Council of Mosques via Cllr Salim Mulla. See letter (click here)

We are grateful to all the faith leaders, secular organisations and political organisations who have contributed to this multi-agency, cross-community event that speaks volumes about what is good in mankind. We thank all participants profusely for their efforts and endeavour.

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