Monday 28 December 2009

Message Fron Shahzad Francis from BETHAK NGO (sic)

Celebration of Christmas 2009

BETHAK-NGO & St. Philomena Rosary Prayer Group, Khanewal had succeeded in making arrangement for the Christmas dinner for the local marginalized Christian community. More than two hundred people attended the function. BETHAK’s youth volunteer group not only kept themselves busy in raising collections for he Christmas dinner but they also had been very enthusiastic in practicing entertainment programs to make this Christmas function a joyful entertainment for all participants. We are very grateful to all the generous friends who helped BETHAK to get out of difficulties of shortage of funds.

The Christmas dinner was hosted on 21st December 2009. All the participants were overjoyed to see their own children’s performance as actors and actresses. Mr. Samuel Barkat. Chairperson BETHAK, Catechist Pervez Hameed and Mr. Francis Jacob spoke on the various aspects of Christian love at Christmas time.

Mr. Shahzad Francis thanked all the participants for sharing the joyful moments of love at Christmas time with BETHAK’s members.

You can see the story of celebration function through the chain of pictures. The source of pictures is:-

Francis Jacob

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