Monday, 14 December 2009

Sandul is Free!

Many of you will aware of the ongoing Blasphemy Case regarding Sandul and her father who were imprisoned under false Blasphemy Charges. Today I have heard some wonderful news that the two of them have been freed. God is working miracles in recent times (5 Prisoners were recently released through work of "Life for All") and we must keep up the pressure on the existing authorities so that more justice is received by our Community in Pakistan. Do come to our protest which will be one way to keep justice at the forefront of any future Pakistani political agenda. Here is the email received from brother Sohail Johnson (sic):

Dear brothers and sisters this is to inform you some wonderful news

Sandul and her father have been freed from prison.

I spoke to Sandul before her hearing for her, and will speak to her tonight

A big thank you to all of you who have been praying.

We are very pleased to inform you all that our sister Sandal and her father Gulsher have been acquitted from blasphemy charge this morning. How gracious and merciful our Lord is… This is amazing day with full of blessing. We SLMP team members are in court right now where the judge of Court of Sessions named Ghazanfer has announced his decision on conclusion of blasphemy trial against Sandal and Gulsher, he announced that both Sandal and Gulsher has been found guiltless in the trial and they both are acquitted from the charge. We all are very happy here for this decision.

Sandal and Gulsher were arrested on 10-10-2008 for a blasphemy case registered under section 295-B, 109 of Pakistan Penal Code with police station Chack Jumra, and they were sent to judicial lock up to face trial.

SLMP has been supporting Sandal with encouragements, finance and other relief goods. We have been sending so many prayer requests on behalf of Sandal.

Once Sandal’s petition for release on bail has been rejected on 12 December 2008, we were very hopeful in Lord that she will be released before this Christmas. This a special gift from Lord to all of us on this Christmas. Praise the Lord.

Our friends from Release International UK and SDOK Holland have been met with Sandal in prison this year.

We are very thankful to each on of our friends who prayed for Sandal’s release. She and her father are expected to be released today.

We are trying to get them out from prison; Gulsher is in District Jail Faisalabad while Sandal is in District Jail Jhang. We have to make arrangements for legal process of their release. Please keep all of us in your sincere prayers.

In Christ

Sohail Johnson

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