Thursday, 28 January 2010

Please support the family of Shazia Masih

Today Pakistan has been disgraced by the actions of 300 lawyers who rampaged through Lahore High Court preventing the family of Shazia Masih into the courtroom and forcing the judge to adjourn the case for tomorrow.

It is imperative that people of good constitution attend the court tomorrow the 29th of January 2010 and stand up for truth, justice and peace. Whatever, your faith creed or colour please show support and love for the victims family - make not her life a wasted one.

Raymond Durrani and Associates have said this to their linked Christian brothers;

"Sorry – correction to the fare/fair part. We will pay the fare each way whether it is air, land, bus, taxi and or assisted one.

Please get all your people out to Lahore tomorrow – we will pay for the fair from wherever the people will be coming to participate in the protest via CLAAS - and you have got our name on it."

Together we shall overcome the opressors!

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