Friday, 26 February 2010

More images from our 10 Downing Street and Pakistan Embassy petition delegation

Upkar Singh thanking the Police for their patience with our extended group.
Wilson Chowdhry thanking the Police whilst submitting a BPCA petition.

Alex Chowdhry submitting the BPCA letter

Harbans Singh of United Sikhs presenting the British Sikh Council Petition.

Cllr Alan Craig (Christian Peoples Party) submitting a BPCA Letter to the Prime Minister

Bir Singh Man from the British Sikh Council submitting their letter to the PM

Sukminderjit Singh Ranja (Sikh Human Rights Group) submitting a British Sikh Council Letter.

Alan Craig and Wilson Chowdhry holding the British Sikh Council Submission and that of the BPCA.

Wilson Chowdhry and Upkar Singh united under one cause - peace, justice, equality and unity for Pakistan.

Bir Singh Man and Wilson Chowdhry forging better Sikh and Christian unity.

Upkar Singh and Alan Craig discussing the issues in Pakistan.

Harbans Kaur and Wilson Chowdhry proving people of different faiths, genders and other diversities can live in peace.

Sukminderjit Singh Ranja and Wilson Chowdhry affirm Sikh/Christian corroboration.

Leaders from two faiths unite against persecution!

Gelling together despite differences in faith.

Bonding in a friendship that removes barriers.
united under one cause.

Cross faith -cross culture support for peace!

Standing for justice and peace.

Three major Sikh bodies represented in collaboration with the British Pakistani Christian Association and the Christian Peoples Party.

We demand justice for those persecuted in Pakistan.

From the outset two communities illustrated that harmony can be achieved.

Crammed into a confined space - but still able to maintain peace.

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