Wednesday, 17 February 2010

We have produced a petition for Justice for Shazia Bashir. A copy will be sent to the Prime Minister of the UK and one to the Pakistan Embassy. Please sign the petition and cascade this through your personal networks. For this petition to be successful we need as many signatures as possible before the 23rd February the date for the next trial.

Please click on the link below:

Please put your differences aside and join us in this endeavour.

Kind regards

Wilson Chowdhry
Vice Chairman BPCA


  1. Syed Haroon Wasti18 February 2010 at 12:12

    Wilson Chaudhary Sb

    Pakistan guarentees the safety and justice to all Pakistanis EQUALLY, irrespective of colour creed or religion.

    I stand by you for justice for all.

    Syed Haroon Wasti

  2. Hi Wilson,

    I receive your updates daily. With life is busy with work and family one can get caught up in the daily "grind" and not really pay attention to the things "that matter". First and foremost I feel I must congratulate you on your work on keeping people informed and trying to motivate Pakistani Christians. I don't understand what it is with "our people"? When this disgusting excuse for a man Mohammed Naeem has been set free b/c of the lack of support or lack of protest from us for Shazia Bashir (RIP) I feel in a way helpless b/c I don't know what I can do from here. I feel not only disgusted in the people around us but disappointed in myself for not having done more. Perhaps the issue in Pakistan for the Christian's is the fear of reprisal, again I am not sure. Living in Canada for my entire life I suppose it is easy for me to say. However, simply noticing that we as Pakistani Christan's cannot build even ONE church here in Toronto while all around us Mosque's and Temples are being built speaks volumes.

    Regardless, thank you for doing what you are doing and perhaps I will get involved one day soon. But again, a job well done!
