Wednesday, 10 March 2010

An article taken from Catholic Culture - Pakistani Christians apprehended for attack on the their own Community??!!

Christians, not Muslims, arrested following attack on Christians

March 09, 2010

In the weeks following a February attack on Christian churches and homes in Pakistan’s largest city, police have questioned 40 Christians and arrested five, according to a report published by the Fides news agency. “It is an ironic accusation,” a source said, since “on that occasion, it was the Christian quarter of Pahar Ganj in Karachi that was attacked by a mob of Muslims who wrought havoc in the streets and burned shops.”

Elsewhere in the Islamic republic, the Punjab regional government has ordered further investigations into summer attacks on Christians in which churches were desecrated, 57 homes were burned down, and nine women and children were burned alive. “It is a good sign for bringing the truth into the light and fighting impunity,” said Francis Mehboob Sada, head of the Christian Study Center in Rawalpindi. “The culprits remain unpunished. The government had remained silent until now, and again we expressed our disappointment at this.

We hope that the new investigations can shed light on serious incidents and bring justice.”
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

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