Thursday 22 July 2010

Carnage in Waris Pura - Bravely life goes on!

Total destruction.
Last line of defence.
Stop the madness!
Back to work despite tragedy
21st century living...
Homes destroyed.
Carry on regardless...what else to do?
Fear and desolation but the community survives!
God please bring peace.

Dear Sir / Madam

I received the pictures above from Life for All in Pakistan.  They have also sent a short statement:
"Greetings from Life for All, Pakistan.

Two Christian evangelists who were shot dead by suspected Islamic militants on 19th July 2010 at the District Court Faisalabad. Gun battles broke out in a predominantly Christian neighborhood of the Pakistani city of Faisalabad Monday, July 19, shortly after two Christian evangelists were shot and killed by suspected Islamic militants.

Life for All team was present at Waris Pura, the Muslim mobs attacked and destroyed the shops owned by the Christians and a Bible School was destroyed as well.

The pictures of the destroyed streets are attached. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Faisalabad.

With warms regards, God Bless You,

Rizwan Paul President

Life for All"

The images in the post show the extreme desolation and deprivation that the Christian Community of Waris Pura is suffering.  Life goes on and the the pictures depict an insouciance to the damage caused by the recent militant attack on the city.  However, the fact that people are carrying on with their lives regardless of the terror they have faced hides a deep hurt, betrayal and anxiety that individuals will have to deal with in their own specific ways. 

We have to be honest with ourselves it is highly unlikely that we will see justice in this situation.  But we must challenge the government to bring succour and recompense to this beleaguered community.  We will be making a new on-line petition that we intend to deliver to 10 Downing Street during our protest.  Please do sign it alongside other petitions.


  1. We stand in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones, at this time, and all the other families those who have been devastated, by the forces of darkness. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, this is a time of prayer and patience, love of Jesus, through our acts, can win many lives for Christ at this difficult moment. Elohim heavenly father God bless the entire church in Pakistan. Ameen

  2. It is wonderfull blog, We are happy to see struggle and activities for the rights of Pakistani Christian in UK abbroad. But it so sad and bad that We Christians are not having unity and organized Political power in pakistan, We are scattered community, tied by the fundament need of stuff addible. Niether we have proper and sincery leadership who can represent Christian's problems in media and governement. We need to organized in one platform and need joint alliance political struggle.
    As a V.Chairman, Christian Democratic Front Pakistan.
