Monday 19 July 2010

Indiscriminate shooting in Faisalabad- people curfew imposed!

The situation in faisalabad has deteriorated, indiscriminate shootings betweens Christians and Muslims have ensued.  The situation has become very volatile and local police have initiated a curfew.

Former Brigadier Samson Sharaf said:



A spokesperson for Release International informed us on the situation:

"Just to let you know the situation in Faislabad has deteriorated. Apparently both Christians and Muslims have been shooting at each other there has been a semi curfew enforced meaning that no more than 5 people can gather at anyone time.

The Chief of Police has promised to bring to justice the people who shot Pastor Rashid and his Brother."

Brother Raja Dean reported on the incident:

"The circumstances of the warripur and Dawood Nagar Faisalabad are very critical; two brothers who were in the jail have been shot. There are firing and stoned on the Christian house. Police are failed to control the procession. Christians are in fear. Kindly pray for them. Now the darkness spread but still heavy firing is going on . Therefore we request for prayer

Thank you and God bless you - Yours Brother -Raja Dean"

Ifrahim Matthew from Pakistan reported on the incident:

"Pakistani Church is going through a very critical Time.At the moment while you are reading this e-mail.Police is shelling heavily at the Christians homes at Daud Nagagara colony in the City of Faisalabad.While Muslim mobs are busy looting the shops of Christians........Be in Prayer with us.

Ifrahim Mathew
National Director
Potohar Evangelistic Outreach Fellowship"

Please pray for a cessation of the violence in Waris Pura.  In memory of the victims we have decided to wear black armbands during our Peace Rally on the 31st July 2010.


  1. Ohhhh! Its such a sad incident too much pain full but as an Evangelist and Man of God I can say now Christianity will get more boom by the Grace of God. It’s the history Christianity always suffer in pain but nobody can stop it and nobody can remove it because Christ Jesus told “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE TOGATHER UNDER THE SAME FLAG” and the name of that Flag is praise the Lord Our Savior “Jesus Christ” and this incident is another episode to fulfill of that prophecy. Injustice is the source of spreading the message of Kingdom of Jesus Christ and I am the thanks full for those people who do this wrong doing with us but I still love them it’s the message of Jesus Christ and its my pray may God Jesus Excuse them and they may get the salvation of Jesus Christ (Amen Sumamen).

    Evangelist Mobeen Herbert.

  2. Evangelist Mobeen Herbert, Pakistan
    Ohhhh! Its such a sad incident too much pain full but as an Evangelist and Man of God I can say now Christianity will get more boom by the Grace of God. It’s the history Christianity always suffer in pain but nobody can stop it and nobody can remove it because Christ Jesus told “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE TOGATHER UNDER THE SAME FLAG” and the name of that Flag is praise the Lord Our Savior “Jesus Christ” and this incident is another episode to fulfill of that prophecy. Injustice is the source of spreading the message of Kingdom of Jesus Christ and I am the thanks full for those people who do this wrong doing with us but I still love them it’s the message of Jesus Christ and its my pray may God Jesus Excuse them and they may get the salvation of Jesus Christ (Amen Sumamen).

    Evangelist Mobeen Herbert.
