Thursday, 15 July 2010

Karachi Trainee nurse raped and thrown out of window

By the grace of God Magdalene is on the road to recovery.
The despicable perpetrator of the act recovers from alcohol intoxication.
Handcuffed but shows little remorse.
The culprit jested with cameramen whilst being interviewed.
In critical condition but brave Magdalene fights on!
A young girl in her prime has suffered a torrid attack that will scar her emotionally and physically for life.
I have received a disturbing story about the rape of a Christian nurse that resulted in her being thrown out of a Hospital window.  Pictures have been sent that look rather perturbing.  This is the first I have heard of this news and i can not at this stage confirm the veracity of the the allegations made.  I place this on the blog so that others may be able to provide further information on this prima facie story.  The email was received from a Sheraz Anwer (sic):

Karachi: July 14, 2010. Dr Jabar threw Miss Magdaline from fourth floor of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center Karachi after raping her, it is hospital named after the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, where all doctors are Muslims.

The visitors of  a patient saw Magdalene Ashraf, a girl in nursing uniform being thrown from fourth floor by a person in white coat of doctors and call hospital security.

The victim is a Christian aged 23 and daughter of a poor Christian Ashraf Masih who dreams good future for his daughter Magdalene after graduation in JPMC School of Nursing.

As the news reaches to Ashraf Masih that her daughter is raped and doctor have attempted to kill her, he rushes to hospital where he finds her in critical condition fighting for life on a hospital bed. He cries and calls his Christian leaders to seek help and justice.

After agitation of Christians in JPMC, the police are called by a security officer of JPMC and a case is registered against doctor Jabbar Memon under section 324 PPC, in Saddar Police Station Karachi.

Accused doctor Jabbar Memon was transferred from Abbasi Shaheed Hospital due to his ill behaviour to JPMC.

While Giving Interview to GAWAHI TV he was laughing he is unashamed what he did.


I strongly urge you to support the poor family in whatever way possible. The victimised family is seeking your Moral, Spiritual, Ethical and financial support. Let us be together, in this hour of need and stand by this family and prove our self to be the part of the body of CHRIST.

“The tears fall, they're so easy to wipe off onto my sleeve, but how do I erase the stain from my heart?”


  1. Dr Ashraf M. Abbasi, PhD.15 July 2010 at 18:45

    Dear Mr. Wilson,
    Total shock & awe.....I ripped my heart apart.

    Such acts of barbaism should be dealt with zero tolerance and culprits to be given examplary & maximum punishment allowed by law so that other potential rapist animals may not dare such horrafic deeds.I am deeply saddened & shocked to learn about this incident. My appologies to Christian Brs & Sis, such animals defame the entire Muslim Umma & religion of peace Islam. Christians are richly contributing to Pakistani society and are most friendly and peace loving people.I chose to have christians my best friends.
    I extend my heart felt sympathies to the family of Ashraf Masih and pray for the full & speedy recovery of the innocent victim. Hir physical wounds & scar may heal and vanish away but her emotional scars will haunt her for a long time. May God grant her the srength to use this trauma to better life of other victims of such brutalities.

    I like your qoute;

    “The tears fall, they're so easy to wipe off onto my sleeve, but how do I erase the stain from my heart?” I agree.

    Ashraf M. Abbasi, PhD.
    Ambassador at Large President: 2003-2005 Chairman-Presidents Council: 2005-2007 Chairman Advisory Council: 2007-2009

  2. Sunny gill

    Today we did peaceful protest at Jinnah hospital and then we went to Karachi press club , still no action has been taken from officials girl is in very critical situation , that guy dr jabar is unashamed on what he did , after doing gang rape he thrown her from 3rd floor DR JABAR was also admitted at jinnah but now he is transfer to one of best hospital of Pakistan AGA KHAN and girl is in very critical situation and still suffering from life and death at jinnah hospital where no one is there to look after please pray for her and if any one need more information he/she can email me

  3. very shameful act of Dr.Jabran (mother fuker) Minorities are not protected in Pakistan. This is another incident after shazia killing. I dont know where are our so-called leaders????? By the way who are our leader? can any body tell me?

  4. if islam give purmission this doctor will killed brutally by our group.

  5. hange him publically. shame for our leader not protesing and demanding his death. they want to save their positions. where is cheif justice of pakistan now? he is also not giving attension to this incidence.

    naveed atif

  6. This is one of the worst kinds of crime. It doesn't matter what religion, there should be genuine respect for one another and human life. Poor hardworking girl got target by an animal. I have her in my prayers and pray that may she recover soon and may she learn to heal her scars (both emotional and physical) even sooner. Amen. I truly hope the culprit is punished! To say the least.

  7. Animals who pretend to be humans , like dr abdul jabbar shud be hanged in front of public so that others learn some lesson outa it... i wish i cud do fr the poor soul (victm) rather thn just sitting n praying.. i knw prayers do alot but this girl actually needs us to stand out fr her and get her justice in this injust country.
    May God Bless her with strength to fight againgt the pain and anony she is going through..... Ameen!

  8. where is Human Rights department gone and international authorities gone who always ready to help and give shelter Muslim people in worldwide especially in Pakistan.

  9. What if it was the other way around...what if a christian raped and threw a muslim girl out of a window...??????

  10. If it was the other way around I am sure our community would have given up the villain to be prosecuted under the law. We are still to hear of any justice in the Shazia Bashir case and have no idea how this case will turn out. In Britain if a Doctor or Solicitor raped a young girl they would be prosecuted and punished - irrespective of faith or wealth.

  11. Neither shocked nor appalled by the YET another violation against one of the Christians in Pakistan. This is almost the order of the day in this BEAUTIFUL country being ruled by the UGLIEST in every term of the word!


    1. Ew. a muslim crime in a muslim country by a muslim man. If it smells like crap.......... it generally is.

  13. MUSLIMs are hypocrates. They are doing/supporting every kind of in the name of God/religion but when an incident hits their characters they start saying PLZ DONT MAKE IT A RELIGION ISSUE! In that country minorities are isolated communities serving the muslim majority with no social standing of their own.

  14. This is a despicable thing to happen. This should never happen to anybody. Mr Chowdhry is right, if this happened here in England, the offender would be arrested and charged. It would not matter whether he was Muslim, Jew, Christian, any other or even no religeon. The severity of the crime would probably mean that he would be held in prison until his trial.

    Other than the terrible crime against this young lady, is the comment from the correspondent who calls himself 'Anonymous' (does he not have the courage to give his name?) when he suggests that if anybody doesn't feel safe in Pakistan they should leave! It is one thing for people to come to England, complain about it and then be told if they don't like it 'to go home' BUT for somebody to be told to leave their OWN country is so wrong. It is nothing short of ethnic cleansing - evil.

    I am a Pagan but I will pray for all minorities in Pakistan. Be brave and hold your faith.

    God Bless you all. Rod Bridger

    1. When this comment was originally written a white 15 year old girl blew the whistle on a group of Pakistani Muslim men resident in Britain who repeatedly raped her, used her as a prostitute, threatened her life and the lives of her family if she told on them. She was one of many girls in a grooming sex racket. She braved this torrent of hell to report the rape. Despite proof in DNA evidence taken from not one but two men the case was not pursued by the British Police because to do so would be seen as 'racist'. So I quote from the above: 'If this happened here in England, the offender would be arrested and charged'. Not if he is a Pakistani Muslim he wouldn't be. The Muslims from Pakistan are bringing their 'brand' of law and belief to the UK and we are too scared to stand up to them. If we don't stand up to them here, how on earth can anyone, anyone at all, stand up to them in Pakistan?

  15. being a muslim, why i feel pain in my heart for her as i know she was not a muslim? why i think the rapist should b hanged publically as i know he is a muslim? for God sake, dont make this a religious matter. Its a rape of an innocent girl not only a non muslim girl. where is the justice ? where is the law? Plz hang this mom fucker to stop ppl think negative against islam and pakistan.

  16. its not his fault tht wht quran teachs muslims to do so when mohammed him self raped sevral war booties in his times and its in hadeet u can read it and mohammed told his his warriores to do so same with non-muslim women and now muslims pretending to be nice and caring abt humen? wht a joke just feel sorry for tht innocent gilr and advicing muslims to stop being satan. in my eyes it is basic problem with islam and muslims should open thier eyes and look around wht they doing with thier self and with others in last i wanna say thts not muslims fault thts the fault of quran,hadeet and teaching of mohammed.

  17. This is a religious issue. It is an islamic country where other religions are raped specially christianity. If this horrible act is forbidden in islam than this muslim doctor should be punished according to islamic law by the muslims.

  18. ... not a civil society. A country encouraging such violence is hell.

    it should be noted how a country tolerates such horrifying events quite regularly without any remorse.

  19. My sympathies to the Masih family - Jabbar (he is no Dr.) deserves the harshest punishment along with his degree being revoked.

    Please Pakistanis wake up and show our solidarity with all races in Pakistan. We are all in this together. All minorities should be protected by the Govt. and The Blasphemy Law Should be changed....

  20. same here Aamir. :(

  21. Such an inhuman offense are stigmas on the face our society.

  22. That doctor is no Muslim. He has nothing to do with Islam, as Islam allows absolutely no shit act like this! The man, as shown in the above pictures, is intoxicated by alcohol - which is strictly forbidden in Islam! So I don't understand why anyone would like Islam to such disgusting acts!?

    My dear friends, Islam is a religion of peace, which teaches the valuable worldwide necessity called harmony. It says, forgive easily, have a soft heart, never hold grudges, and that anger is the worst enemy of any human being. So tell me now, since Islam would never justify anything against it like this act, then why are you blaming Islam??

    Aisha, UK.

    1. Aisha, UK you, like far too many Muslims, are very selective on your own religion. Why do you then condemn others who are also selective and use rape as a means of being a good Muslim? A list of examples which spread to thousands upon thousands of rapes of Infidel women globally can be found here: It is a horrifying list of true reports. These men and this doctor are Muslim. And to many, many Muslim men he did nothing wrong at all except drink alcohol.

    2. sure, the religion is a peaceful one. Not much evidence to show that.. All Islamic nations have violence (Shia vs. Sunni) and against non-muslim Amdaiyas, basically who ever they believe is a non-believer. Fighting is all over the Islamic world.. This is what the religion teaches.. There are great intellects who have studied this phenomenon abou the religion and to date the facts they have uncovered is that there is evidence of violence in the religion to support why stability in these nations cannot be reached. Also, hindus, Christians, Sikhs, jews, atheists do not use their religion as a basis of business and monetary exchange (business is business) to them.. Islam is the only religion where no one can question it and there is no freedom to ask question of it... for muslims themselves.. (lock and key).. This is why modernization and reform movements cannot take place in this religion like in Christianity.. Without oil the Islamic nations are very weak (other than Iran). They are all mickey mouse in economics and they are not industrious society with innovation..

  23. the bastd doctor must be hang in front of public.manorities are realy not safe in pak is tan.

  24. I am tired of hearing muslims say 'don't relate this to islam' because the man is not even arrested, and why? Because HE is muslim and SHE is christian.

    The fact is, he did NOT do this to a muslim girl, he did it to a christian girl, and they are raped all the time in Pakistan.

    10 year old girls are kidnapped from home, gang raped, forced to convert to islam, then force married to filthy islamic men who raped them...the the judges rule the conversion is 'lawful' as well as the marriage.


  25. You say it's not Islam and that it's not a religious issue . Then you wouldn't object if this motherfucker is castrated and sodomized while we ask him if his god is going to help him now . If the bastard Pakistani govt. is not going to doing anything about this then why why don't you, self righteous Pakistanis , do it. How? it's called lynching. If his penis and his fingers are removed and his eyes gouged out ( all of with which he could have physically related to a woman) with the last scene being his wife and daughter being fondled and grabbed by filthy men ) , then we'll see what you have to say about justice . Was it cruel ? Oh I'm sorry if you feel bad , but leave him with me with the very surgical instruments he was trained to use and I will have every man Muslim or not screaming for mercy in his dreams and when they awake I'll be there to make their dream come true .Sons of bastards . Don't think you can hide under the cloak of religion. Your day is coming . Pakistan is an integral part of India .

  26. shameless creatures they are.. i have no words for this barbaric crimes

  27. @ Aisha: The problem with islam is that it seems so incapable of protecting innocent women and children against this kind of act. In all countries which have an islamic majority, sex crimes are much harder to persecute, and justice for sex victims as good as nonexistant. It seems like islamic juridical authorities are usually on the side of the perpetrator. They identify with him instead of with the victim. Why?

    1. totally agree... all Islamic nations have the same problem...

  28. sir,
    pls send me the photographs of victims for christian faith in paakisthan for i am prepare to take a class 4,6 of april 2013 about "safffurings of cristians muslim countriees
