Monday 26 July 2010

Peaceful protest if big enough will cause the stir we need!

Now the only missing part of the Jigsaw is you! Each one of you that joins us is worth their weight in Gold!

I have excellent news for you all, we have been given permission for a small stage at the location of our worship service opposite the Pakistani Embassy.  The police have confirmed we can implement this equipment which will add great impact to the event itself and will make things seem a little more professional.

 There is some bad news however, on the same day The English Defence League will be holding a protest just after ours and after them a counter protest will be held by the Muslim Defence League. 

You can imagine that during both these marches emotions will be stirred up.  We as Christians need to show the public that we are a peaceful, loving people and I would ask that those attending are on their best behaviour.  Moreover, we have also been told that if we do not have a large enough number our event will be walking on the streets, rather then on the main road, so I urge you all to not only bring yourselves but all your friends and relatives also.  If our event is too small the other two will get TV coverage and we again will become the forgotten minorities. 

Romail Gulzar of Pukaar News has created a promotional piece for our forthcoming protest event:

A map of the route of our protest can be found here:

For those of you who do not know how to get to the Pakistani Embassy a link to a map, their address and contact details is provided below:

Things are hotting up in Pakistan and here in London - Mahatma Gandhi once said:

"You must be a part of the change you wish to see in the world"

How many of you will join the number........!

1 comment:

  1. Sister Agnes Massey26 July 2010 at 15:05

    Dear Wilson,Brother-in-Christ,

    United we stand,divided,we fall.We must join hands together in the name of Jesus and save our voiceless persecuted community under the sword of false accusations of blasphemy laws without solid proofs just on somebody's personal grudge or hatred,which is a slap on the face of humanity and should knock doors of the contractors of int'nl court of Human Rights Commission ,Geneva urgentely before it could be too late.One of your banners should be for radical muslims "TO KILL ONE PERSON IS TO KILL THE WHOLE HUMANITY."quoted by Quran

    Sis.Agnes Massey
    Lawyer,High Court LHR
    Chapter Canada
