Sunday 25 July 2010

Shabhaz Bhatti - Threatened by Islamic Militants!

Shabhaz Bhatti

Please read the story below that was published by ASSIST Ministries:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pakistan Christian government minister is accused of committing blasphemy Muslim cleric demands removal of Shahbaz Bhatti from the Cabinet

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries
TANDO ADAM, PAKISTAN (ANS) -- Allama Ahmed Mian Hammadi, a Pakistani Muslim cleric, has claimed that Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Minorities has himself committed blasphemy by branding the recently murdered Christian brothers as victims of Pakistan blasphemy laws.

Shahbaz Bhatti

Bhatti had spoken out about the murder on Monday, June 19, 2010, of Rashid Emmanuel, 30, and his brother Sajid, 27, by unidentified masked gunmen inside a courthouse in Faisalabad. The brothers had been accused of blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad earlier this month, a charge they had both denied

The funeral of Rashid and Sajid

According to Mr. Hammadi’s statement, published in Daily Jasarat, a Pakistani Urdu daily newspaper, the Muslim cleric said that Muslims cannot tolerate blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.

“It is not a cruelty to kill blasphemers, rather blasphemy itself is such an enormous brutality that the one who commits it neither has got a right to live in this world nor is there any pardon for the blasphemer,” Daily Jasarat quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying.

Pakistani Christian pray beside the caskets of the two murdered brothers

“Muslims won’t tolerate even a slightest blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad. If Shahbaz Bhatti committed blasphemy he would be beheaded.”

He maintained: “A Muslim loves [the] Prophet Muhammad more than anyone else.”

The newspaper quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying that the incident of killing of the Christian brothers due to non implementation of the blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

According to the newspaper, the Muslim cleric criticized Mr. Bhatti for stating that the law had been abused vis-à-vis the case of the Christian brothers.

“No law has been implemented in this case. Court implements the law not people,” Daily Jasarat quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying. “Christian brothers were killed after Muslims became angry.”

Mr. Hammadi, according to Jasarat, also demanded the arrest of Christian rioters who he said threw stones at the houses of Muslims after the murder of the Christian brothers in Faisalabad on Monday, July 19, 2010.


  1. there is no worries for shahbaz bhatti as he told in united nation that christian are safe in pakistan and only because of his statement christian refuse to give assylum in europe as they returned from srilanka as well .they dont feel shame as his past is open to every one

  2. Hey strangely enough I conclude with you on this one. His comments have been thoughtless and rather incorrect of late. I do not even believe that there is much of a threat against him. His own group were the first to circulate the nonsense! I just report things as recieved.

  3. you have to be careful before reporting such thing... this is serious issue not every one know about that what exactly Shahbaz bhatti is... next time need to be aware of such posts and news...
