Monday 9 August 2010

BPCA Protests at Centenary Square

Get ready we have an army of Christians soldiers ready to fight for our Pakistani family!
Small in number but loud in voice!
Where 3 are gathered in my name there shall I be also!

At Centenary Square on the 7th of August President Zirdari held what he call's his final rally In Birmingham.  It was a day of shame for Pakistan, in which our President was heckled at as a member of his audience in the invite-only PPP Party Conference, threw his shoes at the embarrassed Primeminister.  The incident surmises the bitter resentment all Pakistani's and those of Pakistani origin have towards the President for taking a lavish tour of Europe, while his country faces the worst Natural Disaster in it's history.

The BPCA supported the protesters in their condemnation of the President's continued tour of Europe while his people are suffering.  We also took the opportunity to highlight to many the on-going suffering of Pakistani Christians and other minority faith groups.

In the meanwhile, rains increase in Pakistan and flooding has ravaged almost the entire country during the last two days.  It is said that over 14Million people have been affected by the flooding and worse may yet be to come.  We are asking Christians up and down the country to continue to pray for respite from the torrid weather conditions to the beleaguered people of Pakistan.  We are also asking for donations to be made to our "Flood Appeal" it is essential that as a community we show how much we care for the land of our forefathers, if we are to ask for our communities to be treated fairer.

Most of the media ignored our protest, mainly because their was only 3 of us that attended.  However though small in number, we were a loud voice and gain support from a number of people, one white Christian Girl joined us in our protest and a Muslim man helped us with holding our banner, throughout our protest.  Let this be a lesson to many of us, that their are good people in all faiths and that no faith preaches violence.  It is in the hands of fanatics that religion is used to incite warfare and hatred.  The BPCA has always opened the door for multifaith cooperation, in our political ambition to bring freedom, equality and peace to all citizens of Pakistan.   Our small number equipped with two megaphones brought all the amassed Muslim groups to silence whenever we chanted.  We were also threatened, videoed and photographed by the more militant groups.  However we persevered through the hostility and were grateful to the kinder Muslim protesters, who showed support for our concerns.

We have been advised that GEO TV filmed clips of our protest, so we are aware the message we wished to portray was sent out to a wider audience.  The BBC also took some indepth reportage of the protest and if you listen to the interview shown on Saturday, you can here chants of "No more Blasphemy Law" from none other than our diligent Wilson Chowdhry.  Please do listen to the section from 41 - 44 seconds into the recording below:

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