Tuesday 3 August 2010

Images of our protest on the 31st of July!

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali speaking at 10 Downing Street.

Leading the way the man with the cross!
Looking suave - on important mission!
Thoroughly interesting and rousing words from Bishop Michael.
People of many diversities joined our procession!  All willing to carry their own crosses for those persecuted!

Member of European Parliament Jean Lambert spoke out against injustices in Pakistan.
Green Party MEP Jean Lambert caught everyones attention.
No weight was to heavy to carry for those Christians who came to speak out against the situation in Pakistan.
People watched, listened and showed support for our cause.
Praying on the streets in unison
Collaboratively praying the Lords Prayer "As we forgive those who trespass against us"
Marching for justice
Marching for peace.
Young and old united against persecution
Joined by Christian Social Link at 10 Downing Street.
In the London heat 100 People came out to oppose persecution in Pakistan.
Alan Craig former Christan Peoples Alliance Councillor for Newham who spoke at the Pakistan Embassy was present throughout protest.
Tired and weary but committed to the cause.
"We shall not be moved!"
3 times Christ stumbled whilst carrying the cross, 3 times our procession stopped and knelt remembering those who are persecuted in Pakistan and the persecution Christ suffered for us.

Leaders unite against persecution.
Asian Christians in Solidarity may only be few in number but we tried our best!
On the left Pastor Christopher from St John's Baptist Church, Shoreditch
Though few in number mighty through Jesus!

Saturday's event was spectacular, we had only 100 people in attendance but what a 100 people it was!

Chief guests on the day included (in no particular order):

  • Pastor Jimmy Robinson - Potters House Christian Fellowship, Romford

  • Green MEP Jean Lambert

  • Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali - Former Bishop of Rochester

  • Bishop Michael Reid - What God Can Do Ministries

  • Matthew Jones - Christian Solidarity Worldwide

  • Ranbir Singh - Hindu Human Rights Group

  • Upkar Rai - Sikh Human Rights Group

  • Jasvir Singh - Anti Oppression Group

  • Pastor Kevin Hodges - Potters House, Archway

  • Alan Craig former Christian Peoples Alliance Councillor for Newham

  • Pastor Christopher Nayyir - St John's Church, Shoreditch

  • Nish

  • Dr Mujeeb Chowdhry - Co founder of the Asian Christian Church in the UK

  • Dr Peter David - Gateway TV

  • Romail Gulzaar - Pukaar News

  • Canon Toby Crowe - St James Church, Alperton.

  • Ruby Akhtar - Christian Party

  • David Hews - Christian Party

  • Javaid Iqbal - Christin Social Link

  • Dianne Ofuri - Christian Party
There were many other senior figures and absence from this list is not intentional, just an unfortunate oversight.  Please inform us if you or your group were not included.

We had a number of riveting speakers including most of the above and in addition the worship service to the fore of the Pakistan Embassy was a real treat, many spoke of how they could tangibly feel the presence of God, as the amalgamated Christians sung in good harmony. 

During the march we knelt 3 times as those in the procession spoke the Lords Prayer in unison.  This act was a symbolic recognition of the suffering and persecution Christ faced as he carried the cross and our sins.  Christ himself, stumbled 3 times and we knelt as we used the 3 symbolic kneelings (stumbles), to reflect on the persecuted minorities in Pakistan and the daily suffering they are subjected to as a result of their faith.    

Finally, at 10 Downing Street, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali a lead spiritual leader for Pakistani Christians and MEP Jean Lambert - one of this country's lead political figures, spoke eloquently, on the need for fair and just Government. 

We submitted Petitions to both 10 Downing Street and to the Pakistan Embassy and we will challenge both for a response to them.


  1. This will be vrty important. Wish you all the best

    Samuel Laldin
    Executive Director
    CCASA Senior Services Kingston

  2. Good Morning Mr. Wilson Chowdhry!

    How are you doing. You have really done a great Job.
    Thanks & Regards

    Suleman Eric

    Procurement Department
    Area Office - Abu Dhabi
    Al Habtoor Leighton Group

  3. Dear Wilson

    Congratulations for the arrangement of a successful rally in London. Just want to say WELL DONE.

    Best regards | Med venlig hilsen

  4. Thanks for update. You and everyone coming to the protest will be in our prayers. There is a protest planned for New York City on August 14th. I grew up in NYC but now i live in Philadelphia but i keep in touch with my NYC people.

    Our issues and concerns have to be raised at an international level. This Blasphemy Law mob killings have to be stopped.


    Robin Gill

  5. I was on the English Nationalist Alliance demo on Saturday and met some nice Pakistani christian chaps who joined our demo.

    Please keep me informed of future demos, as we'd be proud to support you.

  6. Dear Wilson,

    Right thing at the right time. Job well done. Your protest arrangements and interviews from the participants were fantastic. Keep it up. Support from Canada is always with you.

    Congratulations to you and all BPCA leadership.

    God bless you.


    Nassar Ghori
    Toronto, Canada
