Wednesday 4 August 2010

Rehmat Masih imprisoned on Blasphemy Charge - why are we not aware of this!

FIR (Click on image to enlarge)

Remand order (click on image to enlarge)

We have received a copy of a First Incident Report (FIR) and Remand Order for Rehmat Masih a 70 year old Christian Man who is being held in a Faisalabad Jail after a purported blasphemy.  It would seem little help is being given to this man and that information of the case brought about him is so far very limited amongst the Christian support agencies.  I have forwarded RELEASE INTERNATIONL, CLAAS and CHRISTIAN SOLIDARITY WORLDWIDE, the email detailing the concern and will report on any progress.  We have removed the first paragraph of the email to protect the sender and advise you that the story is published prima facie:

"Dear Brother Wilson

.............Now the thing is that why I am writing this email to you. I saw your recent protest video and also saw Dr. Peter J. David there. I want to bring another 295/C case in your notice which many people dose not know yet. This was registered on 2nd July. The victim's name is Rehmat Masih and according to his ID he was born in 1940 so he is now 70 years old. He is now in District Jail. I am attaching his FIR which was registered on 2nd July last month. He is sick and was hospitalized but due to that two young boys incident brought back to his cell. To some people I said that those two young people died in the Courts Premises but this old man will die behind the bars. Please this is a prayer request that please pray for him and his family. I do not know that how many people will give their lives because of this law in this country. I have his pictures also but I would request that do not use them for public as these are taken inside very secretly. Please do let me know if you want the pictures I could send you later. I am copying this email to Dr. Peter J. David as well. I appreciate your love and concern for us. In Faisalabad we are feeling fear and insecurity these days. Once again thanks for your efforts."

If anyone can verify the veracity of this post please do so by emailing us.


  1. Nasir Saeed CLAAS4 August 2010 at 14:35


    Just to let you know that we are aware of this case and according to my information, our team in Pakistan had offered legal aid but the family told us that somebody is already dealing with this case. From Samson's email, it seems that nobody is dealing with the case, or if they are, then Samson is not aware of it. Anyway, in any case, if the family need legal aid then we are more than happy to assist.




  2. Wilaon,
    Do you think by arranging a couple of protest marchs we can get this problems solved?

    Don't you think we need to unite people of our community and strengthen ourselves.

    I believe that it must be the ability of a leader to unite people and who can not do this
    should not claim to be a leader.

    Think carefully and honestly that why members of the community do not back you up?

    We will need to raise our heads and may need to sacrify many lives to solve these problems. Are you ready ?

