Monday, 4 October 2010

Open Doors - Confirm Aid discrimination for Pakistani Christians!

In a land of black chicks the golden one is ugly!

Here is a story that was emailed to me by Agnes Massey in Canada:


Pakistan: some Christians denied aid unless they convert to Islam
September 06, 2010
The head of an organization that combats anti-Christian persecution charges that some Pakistani Christian families are being denied flood aid unless they convert to Islam.

“Some Christian refugees are openly denied aid, while others are told to leave or convert to Islam,” said Carl Moeller, president and CEO of Open Doors USA. “You can imagine that terrible choice: either you abandon your faith or you cannot feed your child.”

The Fides news agency has collected testimony from several Christians who have been denied aid: “We were overcome by waters and we lost everything,” said Zubair Masih. “We went to a refugee camp near Thatta, but they did not allow us to enter because we are Christians.” “My wife is sick, but the doctor refused to visit her and treat her, saying that we should wait for the World Health Organization to send Christian doctors,” said Abid Masih. “I arrived with my family at a camp near Hyderabad, but the camp administration refused to register us because we are Christians and they did not give us anything,” said Aamir Gill. “We were forced to leave.”

A Pakistani bishop said that the Church, in contrast, does not discriminate in assisting the victims of the worst flooding in the nation’s history.

“The tireless work of Caritas continues in all directions, in every diocese and without discrimination on the recipients,” said Bishop Max John Rodrigues of Hyderabad. “In the diocese, we help everyone. Many religious and Catholic volunteers are working in the area. I see a lot of solidarity: Muslims, Christians, and Hindus are united in suffering.

“As far as the aid brought by Islamic charity groups, they defend themselves by saying that according to their doctrine, the money from the zakhat (Islamic alms) should go only to Muslims,” he added. “We should keep in mind that in this country there is a general discrimination against minorities and the poorest workers. It is a widespread mentality which can also affect this tragedy. The fact that the rich are better off than the poor, having saved their own land, is a serious matter which the government must address.”


  1. I am Najum, here in Lahore Pakistan and I do agree with this comment its true and story is more then this of Hater and persecution to the Christian faith believers of Pakistani flood effect-es and more beyond.
    But thanks God we here in Pakistan are witness of Lord Jesus and I belive in that more we are persecuted and face hater our reward is grater in haven and more we practice our Lord.Amen
    A Brother in His blood and body relation,from Lahore Pakistan.

  2. May the Lord bless you and all the other believers there in Pakistan, Najum. Yes, God will reward you in His time and take vengence on your oppressors. Your responsibility is to love God, to love others and to forgive your enemies. Our prayers here in the West are with you all.
