Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Imran Khan Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf comments on Asia Bibib case

Mr. Imran Khan, Chairman, PTI has condemned the attempt of the PPP government to make political capital out of the unfortunate case of Aasia Bibi. .

Mr. Khan termed blasphemy law (Section 295-C of PPC), which has been misused over the years to unfairly target minorities, against the spirit of Islam and Constitution of Pakistan. He said that teachings of Islam are very clear on standards of justice being equal for Muslims and non-Muslims. It is about time that religious scholars, minority leaders and political parties should sit together and amend this law with consensus and save the poor victims from the agony and suffering caused to them due to the misuse of the law.

Mr. Khan expressed his trust in Pakistan's judiciary and said that the case should go through the appeal process in the Lahore High Court.

We have cascaded our "Justice4Asia" petition to the leadership of Pakistan Thereek-e-Insaaf.  I have asked them to sign our petition and to add some comments of their party's support for equality and Justice in Pakistan.  This will be an opportunity for this party to stand in solidarity with minority faiths for a fairer and more equal Pakistan.  Signing the petition in volume will indicate that this recent press release is not just rhetoric but a demand for Justice!

Failing that, let us just assume it is the usual political chicanery we are used to......


  1. I hope the party will show their support& concern for all citizens of Pakistan even the minorities who need their help the most.

  2. Imran Khan is a true leader, He always think for Pakistan and respect Pakistani Law.

    I think he have bright feature in Pakistan Politics.
