Friday, 19 November 2010

Our belated thanks to Nathaniel Lewis.

Nathaniel Lewis - God gave him a spirit to help Christians in Pakistan

Lorraine Dowsell a Catholic performer from West Northumberland

Pete Ryder puts in a great performance.

Brother Nathaniel Lewis from Northumberland heard about the lack of aid being directed towards Christians during the recent inundation.  As a consequence he organised two events that were held in Corbridge and Sunderland  during the 5th and 6th November 2010. 

The events went very well and although turnout was not as much as originally expected overall a total sum of £330 was raised for the BPCA flood Appeal.  A separate donation was also sent across to the Open Doors Charity.  

Music on the night had a Classical/Folk vibe and we hope that Nathaniel will organise similar events so that we can share in the obvious ambiance of these previous events.

Nathaniel has raised the profile of the issue pertaining to Pakistani Christians amongst his network and we are grateful for his efforts and donation. 

Juliet our Pakistan delegate was hit in the eye with a firework on November the 6th at her Birthday Party.  As a consequence she will now not be going to Pakistan until the pain dissipates.  The redness has reduced from her eye, however the pain is still excruciating and she has not recovered her vision as was expected.  Juliet is unable to drive currently and taking care of our 3 children has become very difficult. 

Here is what the local media said:

She and I have faith in God our healer and we urge brothers and sisters to pray for a rapid return to normal and a full recovery.

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