Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Update on Asia Bibi - Blasphemy Law death sentence victim!

Asia Bibi comforts her children after the devastating court ruling.

A Christian woman in Pakistan has been sentenced to death by hanging after she was convicted of allegedly insulting the Prophet Mohammed. Asia was also fined £728 - the equivalent of two-and-a half years' salary for an unskilled worker.  Asia, who is from Ittanwali in Punjab province, laboured in the fields for a Muslim landlord. She was arrested after a heated discussion about religion with her fellow farm workers. Hers was one of only three Christian families in the village.

Asia Bibi, who is 45 years of age and has five children, has denied blaspheming and informed investigators that she is being persecuted for her Christian faith in a country where followers of Christianity often face harassment and discrimination.

It is believed she will now put in a appeal against the sentence, which was handed down by a local court in Sheikhupura near Lahore.

Her husband, Mr Ashiq Masih, told the media he didn’t have the heart to inform two of the couple’s youngest children about the ruling and that they had asked him many times when they would be able to see their mother again.

In the court it was heard how Bibi had been employed as a farmhand in the countryside with other women that were all Muslims. After bringing them water, her colleagues refused to drink it while deeming it unclean as it was brought by a Christian – a claim that sparked a row.

It is also alleged that some of the women workers had been putting her under pressure to renounce her Christian faith and accept Islam. On June 19, 2009, the women pressed Asia about Islam. She responded by sharing with them about her faith in Christ.  She spoke of how Jesus Christ had died on the cross for their sins and then asked them what Mohammed had done for them.

On hearing this response the Muslim women became very angry and began to beat her. Some men took Asia by force and locked her in a room. They used the PA system of a local mosque to broadcast plans to punish Asia by blackening her face and parading her through the village on a donkey.

Asia and her children were set upon by an angry mob later on, and then taken to a police station after some Christians informed the local Police and had her put into protective custody. Later that evening a Blasphemy Case was registered against her after pressure was placed on the Police by local Muslim Leaders.
This miscarriage of justice and violent social condition illustrates the severe and intense persecution that people of a minority faith experience in Pakistan.  The British Pakistani Christan Association condemns the awful attack and the maladministration of Justice exhibited.  We have formed a petition and intend to submit this to 10 Downing Street and the Pakistani Embassy on the 17th November 2010.  Please sign the petition below and share this with other colleagues:

We ask all readers to pray for justice and succour for Asia Bibi and her family.


  1. Of course I am not condoning what they did nor am I suggesting that not everyone has the right to religious freedom and worship. However there response is not uncommon and she should have known better.

    1. They pressured her to convert and she said no. I don't know what your disability is.

  2. Very sad and painful. But unfortunately it not the first and will not be the last case.
    Since Pakistani christians have made themselves easy and weak prey for muslims it will happen. They need to stand up and raise their heads if they want to get rid of notorious Blasphemy Law.
    Shame on ...........

    1. Didn't you read this article? That's what happens when you do stand up...the court orders the death penalty ! BTW, that comment would say so much more if you had the guts to at least leave your name !
      Hena Javed

    2. I am confused. The last message said that she was already released. What is the truth? Is this web site properly updated?

    3. Hi Asia Bibi is still incarcerated and is awaiting her appeal date. This site is regularly updated, you have simply opened an extremely old update. Search under her name using the facility at the top of this blog...

    4. Islam is the true religion of Satan. It is such an evil religion. May they repent and turn to Jesus Christ. As the true face of Islam emerges , would this be the reason so many Muslims are turning to Jesus Christ and away from this religion of darkness.

  3. I'm not sure what you expect people to do when they are obviously a distinct minority and even the law enforcement agents are unlikely to view them positively.
    The rest of the world needs to put concerted pressure on these islamic nations to start treating ALL human beings with dignity

  4. By their fruits ye shall know them.

  5. Agreed, Islamic nations should give freedom of religion and speech to all people. For all the extremists rantings against the west, we do at least offer them that courtesy.

  6. The comment from Nov 10 says 'she should have known better' - but she was merely doing what Jesus said she must do and that is to acknowledge him before others (Matthew 10:32-33). That she had the courage to do so in that culture is a testimony to her faith and a challenge to those of us who keep quiet in much less demanding circumstances.

  7. May Aisa and her family know the comfort of Jesus Christ at this time. They are suffering for the name of their Saviour and are precious in His sight. May they find freedom and deliverance from the enemies of God.

    May those who are spiritually blind and are persecuting her and many other christians too, have their eyes opened and seek forgiveness of the One True Lord Saviour and Judge of all mankind.

    May the UK not end up under the oppressive sword of Islam in the future - as Pakistan is now - though surely this nation is seeking such a future in its pandering to Islam!


  8. In the UK Muslims are treated in the same way has everyone else.They are allowed to build mosques and to practise their religion without fear of persecution,and they are certainly a minority.I don't see any Muslim countries treating Christians with the same degree of tolerence and respect.Unfortunatly,two words that are increasingly being associated with Islam are cruelty and intolerence.I wonder why.

  9. Britian needs to open its doors to Christians fleeing peresecution from all countries.
    Iraq,Turkey,where the christian population has gone from 20% to 002% since the 1920's.The Copts in Egypt,Lebanon,Syria,Saud Arabia and countless other countries.
    The door is open for escape; Help them get out.before its too late.Remember the Jews of Germany had a brief window open for escape,before they were trapped and annihilated.
    Lest we forget.

  10. The true face of islam is death and pain for everyone else. it is a religion of hate. just look since mohammed got kicked of from Jerusalem. they are worse than the Nazis ever could be.

  11. Thanks for sharing this ... tolerance level is 0 (zero). I think the time has come now that western countries should intervene in such cases and presurize Pakistan to abolish this rubish law which has killed many Chritistians in fake cases just to settle their personal disputes. How many muslims in the western countries are treated like the Christians are treated in Pakistan. Why can't Christian woman touch the water? She was asked to fetch water while out working in the fields. But a group of Muslim women labourers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim she should not touch the water bowl? Is this a civilised world? This is my humble reqeust to the Christian countries and liberal muslims to involve and resolve this issue. John Bosco

  12. It's the sign of the times, " The end times ".
    the enemy of our souls is on the rampage and he uses people as he as always done. but hgis kingdom shall not stand because they are divided

  13. And is there not a mandate which says that it is an offense to discriminate against someone who has different views? These predators need to know the pure love of Jesus Christ and cry out to Him 'What must I do to be saved from the wrath of Almighty God which is soon to come' There is no love in what these people are doing, and for those who say she should have known better, shows a serious lack of love, mercy and compassion. The law of Islam is a law of hatred, cruelty and injustice. Hate mongers and evil doers that are fed by their own brand of religious wickedness. Lord have mercy!

  14. "She should have known better..."
    She did know better - better than many of us in our (presently) comfortable circumstances. She spoke out for her Lord.
    This is one courageous woman who deserves our support and prayer.

  15. ISLAM will not have me cowering under a sheet and truth must be spoken out loud and clear agaist this Antichrist cult based upon antiquated pagan rites that has evolved through muhamadism it is clear what islam represent and they use fear, imtimadation and brutality . This is not religon at all when one research one will find that muhammed was no prophet at all most of his life he lived by teh sword there is no peace upon this man. It is a shame the western developed world cannot see islam truth intent becasue they have hijacked a judeo-christian faith and called it islam their book the quran holds no peace in let truth prevail over the demonic spirit of fear. I would rather die than submit my life in any way to a cult called islam. Jesus said all those who hate me love death and clearly they do not believe that Jesus is the Son of the most High God. Thank God for our sister who proves that in the real world that we must suffer for our faith rather than cowering for fear, to live is Christ and to die is gain we have a far betetr inheritance in heaven Christian lets get real we are in teh last days on earth so prepare yourself for what will come. Jesus is Lord not Muhammad decepetive cult of islam

  16. From Rep.of Ireland. In Cork this week the building of the first mosque was sanctioned. Islam is on the march, even in this once staunchly Roman catholic country.Islam needs to be confronted firmly. This dear soul needs help and prayer support not criticism.I agree with others she was fulfilling the commission the Lord left all believers to be a light in a dark place. Thank God for her courage. She is wonderful.Easy for us here to judge from the comfort of our homes. But when Islam takes over as it intends to, will we be so brave? Will Prince Charles be proud that he wanted to be a defender of 'Faiths', I expect he includes this religion of the terrorist.Oh dear where have we come to!

  17. Why so many people wishing to be anonymous? This is NOT Pakistan!!
    Please also pray for Martha Bibi (not a relative) who is also being tried for alleged blasphemy. Pray, too, for Shabbaz Bhatti, a Pakistani politician who is seeking to have the blasphemy laws (at least in their current easy-to-be-abused form) repealed.

  18. Who are we to judge for blasphemy.How can humans be playing God.The very prosecutors should ask themselves if they have ever committed any sins before carrying out their execution.

  19. this should never happen in a civalized world

  20. The UK government should threaten to demolish all Mosques here unless this Hanging is prevented, and Muslims made to respect Christians in all Muslim Countries. Are we no longer a Christian Country? Some of our recent laws discriminating against our beliefs seem to throw doubt on our Christian Status!!!

  21. I think the time has come to put an end to these injustices- easier said than done.But if the Christians in Pakistan unite and speak with a common voice, the Muslims will begin to take notice.

    There is strength in numbers. If they can generate the numbers, Christians across the world will support them...the media will support them.

    There is a song that puts it aptly - one mans hands cant change the world alone, but if two and two and fifty make a million- weèll see the day come around weèll se the day come round.

    Rayers, power and blessings to the oppressed.

  22. Time and time again the Muslim faith is shown to be ill represented by those who want to have power over others.
    I wish the majority of decnt Muslims such as I have known would rise up to stop their Faith being hijacked.

  23. It is apparent that Muslim Nations cannot handle
    freedom. They cannot even tolerate one another.
    If Muslims had not got Christians they would have to invent them!

  24. Greetings.
    THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH GOD FOR MAN CANNOT TELL MAN WHAT TO DO BUT ONLY GOD CAN DO THIS those that punish the inocent shall perish in the flames of HELL,
    Beware the wrath of GOD isaiah 45 verse 7

  25. Oh man, this is terrible. I will offer to pay that fine for them. Will contact friends in India today.
    God we call on you to intervene here. As a mother the idea that 5 kids will be left without a mum is heart renching.

  26. Lord we thank you for my sister Bibi, your Word says for those who trust in you, you will never put them to shame.Lord we stand here as a family and command her release right now in the name of Jesus. Just as u released Peter from jail, may she be released today in the name of Jesus. Thank u Lord, you are an awesome God.


    1. In Jesus Name we decree and declare this....FREE ASIA BIBI.

  28. What is wrong with people who are putting the blame on Asia Bibi? She is persecuted, and the response is, "well, that is right, BUT..."

    Asia puts those of us in the west to shame. She stands up for her faith and claims Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Hold her in prayer and love, and pray that we would have her conviction and courage.

  29. joshua paksitani Christian18 November 2010 at 08:57

    we pakistani being a christian youth,we strongly condemn this
    After announced 295c(act) no minority can imagine to do blasphemy. We appealed this act should be removed..
    we firmly protest!
    Bibi Asia should be realized for she is innocent.Human justice organizations should play the Powerful role.
    Church and christians must raise such a voice against this Law.

  30. barrie roberts n wales18 November 2010 at 18:12

    I wonder how many of the anonymous writers will complain when Jesus says you would not put your name to support these sisters why should I acknowledge you before my father Mat,10v33 34,Father i pray you intervene in this obsene episode and come to the aid these sisters in christ just as you did for Peter when he was imprisoned for your witness

  31. would be nice if president Obama can intervene and use his diplomacy to stop this injustice.

  32. While there's no defending her abusers she and her hubby should have had the brains to get out before it reached this. The Bible says be wise as a serpent.

    I'll never get people's need for validation so badly they'll murder.

    I do not care if you worship your dog as long as you do not bother anyone. People must believe in live and let live and acceptance is a two way street: you must give it to get it.

    My former history, professor said it all in 7/94, W. Civ 2: "I want you to see the idea of religous tolerance is new: in earlier times we wanted our neighbor to accept our faith. If he didn't we wanted to burn his home down...with him in it."

    People need to find something productive than imposing their belief upon others. Everyone will be happier when we do. Unfortunately, that day will arrive around the 12th of never.

  33. Will the BBC or most media publish this? I doubt it.

  34. This Blasphemy law should be permanently be distroyed and whoever try to put finger on others in Blasphemy case, he himself sould be hunged infront of everyone.

  35. I am a Muslim 27 age , I have read the incident thoroughly ,to be very neutral I will say that we should condemn on the misjudgment made and collectively try to create pressure to reinvestigate the matter rather than blaming Muslims to be cruel or criticizing on Islam or the laws that protect Muslim’s certain very sensitive religious belief , if facts and figures or different as stated then its totally wrong and injustice its wrong for a Muslim and also wrong in the eyes of every human being , blasphemy law is not made to hangout innocent non Muslims but of course it should be at its position as it is , if somebody or a group of people try to misuse it he should be trialed and should be given severe punishment so that no one ever think to misuse it. My point is that freedom of thoughts does not mean to abuse the prophet of Allah or any one respectable and sacred in the eyes of any religion. If you allow someone and encourage commenting false and disgracing someone on the name of freedom of expression then such incidents will always happen
    send your comments at
    h.r.manager at hotmail dot com

  36. hassan nasir gaveera27 November 2010 at 17:45

    I read about this and I was shocked, I am a muslim man but I do not believe any christian has ever committed anything like this in pakistan. This law has been always used by the cruel mullah of pakistan who have hijacked the people of pakistan as well as Islam. I understand more christian have bcome the target of this law but there cases where muslims used this law against the muslims. I condemned this law and the death plenty of bibi Asia and also demand the authorities to overturn this ugly decision and law and also copmensate Bibi Asia for being in prison for a false blame give punishment to who responsible for this ordeal.

  37. Someone posted that the family should have left before this happened.How do you pack up and leave the country when you are a poor laborer with 5 children to support.She has tremendous courage to stand up for her faith.I am sure there are several others who are suffering daily that we do not know about.
    We need to defend our freedoms in the west and hope we can be as faithful like she is to her God.

  38. Thank you Lord for our brave sister Asia. Lord I pray that your Word which tells us, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest (Exodus 33:14)come to pass for your child Asia. I also claim your promise for sister Asia, "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed (Duet:31:8) I pray with all my heart and soul Oh Lord for sister Asia this prayer "though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident (Psalm 27:1,3) for "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms (Deut:33:27) Amen.

  39. i have a question to be asked by you people why the person is imprissoned who has thrown shoes on president bush...and what will you do when some one abbuse your father or mother or any of your family members...

  40. We do not kill someone for abusing our family members....?

  41. what she did is rong she should not tel what prohet mohamed done for muslemes ? its not her busnesse she should respecte ather relegion...islam respecte all relegions,and we never heard that muslem insulte jessus or any prophet and if prophit mohamed alife he will give her freedom and let her go,islam innocent from this injustice and those peaple in her village dosnt follow islam they follow traditions we hope asiya retourne to her cheldren .please leave prophit mohamed in peace..

  42. islam innocent from those peaple in that village they are follwing raditions,

  43. So Mr. Anonymous,
    Is it not correct to ask what has mohamed done for moslems?.... explain to me why is it correct for those moslem women to bully that poor woman for being Christian? they are the ones who started talking -and rather critizicing- Mrs. Bibi Christian religion, Mrs. Bibi only made a rather simple question for which you don´t have an answer, and that´s what´s bothering you, the truth is you can´t give a good answer and in your anger and frustration you commit a terrible sin, but you chose to call this barbaric acts "traditions".. how civilized of you......

  44. I am a white Christian with a good, Pakistani Muslim friend.
    Well, very sad but I believe this woman missed certain key points.
    It is/was futile to compare Mohammed with Jesus because, as a man; of course Mohammed is/was unable to die for the sins of mankind.
    Furthermore, it is disrespectful to speak evil of Mohammed as though he had done NOTHING for Pakistanis. If the only thing he did was encourage holiness in sexual conduct and point people towards God, then that is more than nothing.
    Remember, Muslims are our spiritual cousins (more correctly, Lot's descendants and the Jew's cousins...) and the same Tetragrammaton which can be rendered as Jehovah and Yahwey also forms the basis for Allah, so that they were all (attempting) to worship the same God.
    Now, as a Christian you believe in the Jehovah of the OT.
    Even so, we should show correct respect for others prophets of our very same God.
    Nevertheless, there is no principle in the Torah which allows for hanging for disrespecting a prophet so this is perhaps a departure from Christian/Jewish ideas on which sins are/were punishable by death.
    I would have though 40 stripes would be a more suitable punishment.
    Or, as a Christian; rebuke, prayer for forgiveness and possible disfellowship from the local religious assemblies...
    Bro. Jason

  45. In Islam, Allah (s.w.a.t) has said not to hurt or even kill the people from the other religions, And Pakistan is no different. Those women who work with her are ignorant. Here in America, our food, our drink, our schools, and our medications are ALL handled by the white people. Be it Christian or Jew or Hindu. It doesn't make it impure. They are just stupid and uneducated. It's not like she spat in it, or pissed in it. Be afraid, Be very afraid. Allah is watching us all. He is the Judge in this life and the hereafter! Go educate urself, read the Quran, and u will find that you are making a big sin against yourself and others as well!

  46. 'Brother' Jason, I think you need to pay careful attention to this article. How dare you!

  47. i love islllllam

  48. i love islaaam
