Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Update on case of Asia Bibi

Asia bibi the innocent mother of 5 who has been handed a death sentence for proclaiming her faith.

This morning our Pakistan delegate Juliet Chowdhry spoke with both Sohail Johnson of Release International and Ashiq Masih (husband of Asia Bibi).  The two of them seemed in good mood and are grateful for the support that the international community of all faiths is showing to Asia and her family. 

A former Session Court Judge (who's name we will not publish) is taking up the case and is confident that he will be able to revert the decision.

In the meanwhile the BPCA has been in dialogue with Amnesty International and their Afghanistan and Pakistan Officer is looking to draw up a statement on their position regarding the tragedy.

We have also been conferring with Rubab Mehdi Rizvi a British Pakistani Lawyer who has been appointed as Spokesperson/Chief Co-ordinator for the Ministry of Human Rights and is responsible for reviewing situations such as Asia Bibi's case. Ms Rizvi has been very proactive and has agreed to endorse a letter that we will be sending  to the Prime Minister, Ministry of Interior, Chief Justice and Ministry of Justice - asking for a repeal of the recent court ruling that has placed the life of Asia Bibi in danger.

Ms Rizvi has also offer the free services of top barrister's in the UK and Pakistan to help in a supporting role to the existing legal representative, or to take on the case if required. We have spoken with Sohail and Ashiq about the offer and have cascaded contact details to Ms Rizvi for her to ascertain the direction the family would like to take. 

In the meanwhile we have initiated a "Justice for Asia Bibi" relief fund and hope to raise around £3000 to present to the Family of Asia Bibi.  The money will go towards the cost of the Court fine imposed which is close to £800, legal costs to fight the case and will also provide compensation to the family  who have lost the much needed income form the previous employment of Asia Bibi.

If you would like to donate you can send any cheques to:

Justice for Asia Bibi
British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane

Please make all cheques payable to:

British Pakistani Christian Association

Alternatively you can pay directly into our account:

Sort Code: 20: 67 : 90

Account no: 63468976
Ref: Justice for Asia Bibi

Please write letters fo support directly to Asia Bibi using the following address:

Asia Bibi

District Jail


  1. a wonderfully positive update! I pray this family is covered financially in abundance and that they remain faithful througout this ordeal and that God brings this situation to victory with mum reunited with family.

  2. God bless this cause.

  3. There is no law of blasphemy in Islam. See www.nogodbutallah.org

  4. I am an American Muslim. There is no such thing as blasphemy law in Islam and any Muslim who believes in such a rubbish concept is NOT A MUSLIM. I am basing it on the Quran teachings.

    If these Muslims continue to support this sort of total rubbishness then the world needs to try them as criminals.

    I don't know why Asia Bibi is being victimized in this manner but she needs our support and I for one is in her corner.

    1. She is being victimised as a Christian because according to Islam she is an Infidel. And the Koran is very clear about what this means: "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood" (9:123) -- "The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them" (9:30) -- "The infidels are unclean" (9:28) -- "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them" (9:5). This is a very short selection of the instructions for Muslims.

      Aisa was convicted of handing water to a Muslim. She was alleged to have said things against the Prophet to support the charges against her but these are clearly fabricated statements, under a 'when an opportunity arises' policy. Her plight is because she touched the water bowl which was an act of kindness to these women. Using these examples of the Koran it is perfectly reasonable for a literal interpretation of these demands which would in fact lead to Aisa Bibi's murder by law. Civil rights and a common sense of humanity are all that stand in the way of this interpretation I'm very sorry to say.

      Many Muslims who are unhappy with this kind of policy, as you are, are called non-conforming or Infidel. So please be careful in your own community, your moderate voice is essential as globally Islamist dominion is rising. I would also encourage you to follow the policy happenings in the Middle East post Arab Spring revolutions. If Muslims don't understand what's going on in their own global community how can moderate tolerance prevail?

    2. Muslims are "flocking" to Christ in record numbers. The religion of "Islam" is being judged by God at this time. Read the news. You are from the "Seed of Ishmael" yet you war against Abrahams seed. Run to "Jesus" now before it is too late. He is holding out "His Hand" to you. Take it and never look back.

    3. Do not cast your pearls before swine!

    4. The last chapter of the Koran was written by Muhammed & who was NO prophet. The Prophet Mohammed was living in the 5th century AD and wrote the original Koran chapters.

  5. God bless you, American Muslim! Thank you for your support and speaking out for the truth.

    American Christian of Pakistani Origin.

  6. It would have been wiser from Mr Obama to use the american people"s money and the energy of the US special forces, not to kill ( Bin Ladin who was no more a threat since a long time) but to save the life of the innocent Asia BIBI sentenced to death in Pakistan



  8. You cannot deny Christ or the Bible, or on the other hand, Christians as these are mentioned in other religions - and as well as their books. Freedom of religion is guaranteed under the law of the land in Pakistan.

  9. It is Islam preaching "if you killed one person,
    you killed the whole humanity."

    What a goldren Principle of Islam which every muslim is being ordered to obey.Many Muslim brothers & sisters told me about this order. Could you please, quote this verse from Quran.
    Thank you very much.

  10. Ok thanks a lot.

  11. Asia and many other people in Pakistan are under great threat of Mullah's..... With Blashphamy law.... these muslims extremist are causing deaths to innocent Pakistani Christians... They don't value human lives.... but International people are silent....

    I request all of you(international community)... stand against these forces of evil and deal them hardly...

  12. May jesus christ protect asia from every evil deeds. Amen

  13. Asia Bibi sets a fine example of Christian tolerance as she runs the race of endurance under the most extreme circumstances imaginable. If Gods word, The Holy Bible was still being written today, I would expect Asia Bibi's name to appear in it somewhere. Her faith and courage is second to none and it is only by the strength of Jesus that she is able to cope so well.

    1. Praise the Lord What is happening in Pakistan is a re-write of Foxes Book of Martyrs. The early Christians were persecuted for their faith but Jesus is with them Amen

  14. All the glory goes to Jesus Christ who gives her the strength to endure!

  15. So if it's true that there are no blasphemy laws in Pakistan, and there truly is freedom of religion guaranteed by law. Then by who's authority has this dear lady been arested, tried, and sentenced?

  16. I f I send a letter to that adress, will Asia Bibi read it?

  17. Send it recorded delivery send me a copy and I will check with our colleagues in Pakistan. Please send me a copy at the same time to facilitate this. I can think of no better way to investigate if Pakistan is fulfilling their duties with regards to post. We could launch a campaign on the back of any misdemeanor.

  18. Dear brother why are worry about legal expenses,we are here to give you free legal support etc for our Sister in Christ Asia Bibi.We will not charge any legal fee for the blsphemy cases.

  19. Actually, we, the Muslims love our HOLY PROPHET (SAWS), more than our mother, father and ourselves. We also love so much to the HOLY PROPHET OF CRISTIANITY, HAZRAT MASEEh (as). So, if any Muslim says any thing to HAZRAT MASEEH, we will also do with him same,as done with ASIA. So, i request to ASIA, to become a MUSLIM, and handover herself for death. Insha'ALLAH ALLAH ALMIGHTY, will excuse him. We don't have the right to excuse him, as our DEAR PROPHET (SAWS) said:

    ""If anyone says bad to a Prophet, then murder him/her,and if anyone says bad to the Friend of any Prophet, Usko KORAY LGAEN JAEN""

    1. Good heavens. I nearly fell of my chair. This is an Islamist viewpoint and an increasingly common one in Muslim dominated countries. I've heard of 'convert or die'. But this is a nice twist 'convert and die'. Let's all continue our fight for Asia and her family. They'll be next after any death sentence is carried out. I've not read of any efforts to get the family out of Pakistan? They must be planning asylum irrespective of the result of Asia's sentence? I'm very worried for them all.

  20. I wrote about the injustice here

  21. Big thanks for what you are doing!
    I pray that she be released soon!

  22. Damn all religions and nuke Mecca!

  23. Is there any update on her situation now in 2012? Thank you.

  24. Dear Wilson
    { am a minister of the Gospel and have a Church in Faisalabad. I, like you am a supporter of the Christians in Pakistan. Having visited the country in 2010 and heard of the atrocities committed against the Christians, I support your "voice" 1005 and would like to raise similar concerns in Australia.
    The recent burning of houses in Lahore has caused me great concern/ Pls let me know how we can support you cause.
    Pastor Mike Wark Perth Australia

  25. Hi Pastor Mark,

    My telephone number is 020 8514 0861 or alternatively email wilson@aasecurity.co.uk.

    Kind regards


  26. I am a devout Muslim by faith, and practice this religion in the light of divine message given in the Holy book fur all the humanity. There is one God < Allah the Almighty and we must surrender to his will. We Obey Allah, and His Prophet Muhammad- the perfect Human Being sent to us for the guidance of human beings. He is the last of the Prophet. It is the continuation and culimination of the message given through all religions.

    Aasia Bibi was implocated in a false case instituted and motivated by the mischief mongers, who spread hatred among the different religious orders that presently exist in the world. There is a large number of people belonging to different religions including christians living in Pakistan.. We are a secular State and professes religious freedom as enshrined in the Islam and the teachings of the Prophet. Islam protects people belonging to other religions especially Christianty.

    She was cleared by the Court pf law on the basis of new evidence presented in the case. Justice must be done. There is need for reforming the laws. i have written extensively on the subject and articles have been published in different newspapers and periodicals on regular basis.

    Javaid Bashir

  27. Is there a such thing as forgiveness and pardoning in the religion? I don't think so which is why they cannot put up bail to get her out..
