Monday, 6 December 2010

Two Afghan Christians - face death sentence under Apostasy Law

Here is an email received from Nadeem Sarwar posted prima facie, highlighting the plight of Two Afganistani Christians (sic):

Today, in Afghanistan ... Two threatened with death, they had converted to Christianity

Charged with two Afghans, two, from two employees in the Red Cross, to convert to Christianity could face the death penalty, according to a lawyer for the prosecution Sunday. The lawyer said prosecutors in charge of the west of Kabul cleric Mohammed Qureshi said Mr. Moussa (45 years), Ahmad Shah (50 years) are being held in the Afghan capital, awaiting trial.

He said they were "accused of apostasy for their religion, which is a crime under Islamic law. If found guilty, two face the death penalty or life imprisonment." He said the master, who works for the International Committee of the Red Cross, admitted the charge against him, as there is evidence against the Shah.

A spokesman for the Red Cross in Kabul Bijan Fredrid Varnaudi arrest, Lord, and said he was working in the organization since 1995. He noted that officials from the Red Cross visited the master in prison. He said, "During the visits, met with the International Organization Mr. Moses several times and intend to continue to visit in the future."

He was arrested Syed Shah late May and early June, days after a local television broadcast pictures of men performing Christian prayers in Persian and Iemdan in a house in Kabul. The government has launched investigations and aid agencies have suspended all work is "the Norwegian Church Aid" and "Church World Service, the U.S." after telling a local television station that they are spreading Christianity which is an order violates the law of the State of Muslim militant group.

He and members of parliament expressed outrage on Thursday over the issue, so much so that one member of Parliament in Herat called to the execution of two men in public. The Constitution prohibits the Afghani, which was adopted after the fall of the Taliban in late 2001, apostasy from Islam, and can issue a death sentence on apostates theory.

But Afghanistan has not implemented the death penalty against any person charged with apostasy in the contemporary history. It is believed that the latest issue of apostasy in Afghanistan, the issue of Afghan Abdul Rahman, who was arrested in 2006 for his conversion to Christianity. And was later released and received asylum in Italy after a wave of international protests.

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