Friday, 18 March 2011

Ilford Asian Congregation invite you to a memorial service for Shahbaz Bhatti

To pay tribute to the Late Shahbaz Bhatti’s endeavours and to thank God for his life, a Memorial Service will be held at St Andrews Church, Ilford; on Saturday, 26 March 2011 at 5.00 pm.

The Service will be led by Rev Marie Segal and Rev Napoleon John.

It is expected that in addition to the local MP and the Deputy High Commissioner for Pakistan, Wilson and Alex Chowdhry from the BPCA and other political dignitaries will also participate.

You, your congregations, friends and family too are invited to attend. Please promulgate this event; if relevant, by announcing the details of this Service at your Sunday Services. Refreshments will be served before and after the Service.


  1. Isn't it time to take down this web-page ; the service was over 18 months ago and reflects badly on the Christian Commun ity

  2. Hi Anonymous, Why does this story reflect badly on the Christian community? Moreover for what purpose should it be removed?
