Monday, 28 March 2011

International Pakistani Christians hold memorials and protests to Shahbaz Bhatti

In Australia a wonderful candlelight devotional was held Brother Oniel Adnan said(sic):

Dear Brother Wilson. This is the clip of Memorial service of Shahbaz bhatti in Sydney Australia held on Saturday 12 March, 2011 by all Pakistani christian community living in Australia showed solidarity with their Pakistani Christian brothers and sisters on this difficult time. The demand of the community is to abolish the blasphemy law totally and stop killings and persecution of Christians in Pakistan. Event Arranged by Pastor David Khan and Media Projection by Oniel Adnan.

Thanking you Mr. Wilson for your co-operation. Another thing that i will send you the pictures of the protest in New-Zealand on Shahbaz bhatti's issue. so you will also promote that event as well.


In Holland Brother Watson Gill organised a succesful protest: Dutch news featured his memorial in a tribute to Shahbaz Bhatti:

Dutch papers covered the protest:

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Now I hope more international groups accept our challenge for unity and join us in holding a global protest for change in Pakistan on the 2nd July. This is the date of the arrest of Sajid and Wajid Masih the two pastors gunned down outside a faisalabad court, after being acquitted from a false blasphemy charge.

1 comment:

  1. Wilson:

    While we deeply concerned about the being gunned downed of 'Shahbaz Bhatti - we should concentrate more about the living members of the Christian Nation and engaging with the Buckingham(Queen) who signed the final document making Pakistan an independent state for which members of the Christian Nation including the Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, S.P. Singha voted for. Where is that Pakistan - we want that Pakistan or - the Queen have to get a piece of land for the members of the Christian Nation to form their own Province or country, period.

    Raymond Durrani & Associates
    Central Committee Executive/Political Strategist
    Pakistan Christian Congress (only registered Christian political party in Pakistan)
    'Friends of Pakistan's Christian Nation' (While we care deeply about all minorities, our focus is Christian Nation which was partner in the formation of Pakistan)
    1 (905) 683-2341
