Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Pastor Terry Jones burns Quran in Florida

Pastor Terry Jones who eventually terminated his grossly ill-advised scheme to burn a Quran on the anniversary of 9/11, has created great schism amongst Christians and Muslim's, a consequence of his burning of a Quran in Forida on the 20th March.

The British Pakistani Christian Association condemns this outrageous act that will unsettle the already dwindling rapport between Christians and Muslim's in Pakistan.

Minority groups in Islamic states feel the brunt of retaliation for acts such as these that are designed to create division and serve no greater purpose.

Insulting another faith in this way is a pathetic way to get across any message and underline the extremist agenda of Pastor Jones. He has received international condemnation for burning the Quran illustrating the majority of the human race wants to live in peace.

Fanatics like Pastor Jones occur in all faiths and it is vital that Liberal organisations and Governments across the globe continue to deplore the pernicious imaginations of them.


  1. I can understand why he did it!
    To see your brothers and sisters in Christ suffer from Islamic persecution around the world, murders etc.etc.
    You feel nothing but anger and you know this book is at the bottom of it because of the evil things it tells believers to do, I can see where he`s coming from!

  2. From a Worldly viewpoint perhaps I can understand but in Peter's first epistle we Christians are called to behave in a different way than that espoused by Terry Jones. Jesus has won the victory and Jesus will be judge and jury NOT us.

  3. THE BLOOD OF ALL 12 PEOPLE who just died is on the hands of that fool in Fla BECAUSE HE CHOOSE TO BURN THE MUSLIM HOLY BOOK.
    Fear not. When he meets his maker, thinking that he will be placed on the elevator going up, he will be placed on the elevator going down where he will remain and burn for eternity.
