Saturday, 12 March 2011

Please contribute to our memorial book to Shahbaz Bhatti - a copy will be sent to churches in Pakistan and to the family of Shahbaz Bhatti

The BPCA would like to print out a book of eulogies to the late great Shahabaz Bhatti a great humanitarian and probably Paksitan's most progressive statesmen, who was cruelly assassinated in recant weeks.

A large book will be handed over to the family of Shahbaz Bhatti and others will be printed for Churches in the UK and Pakistan if you would like to contribute please click onto our website and add your comment to our free discussion forum. This book is going to be accessible to people of wider faiths so if you are worried about repercussions, it would be best not to participate.

Our intent is to keep the vision and memory of one of our communities most prominent voices alive as a legacy for our people.

The website can be accessed here:

The forum is free to join and please call or email Wilson if you are having any difficulties.


  1. As the grand daughter of Sir Olaf Caroe, who wrote the Pathans, and who died with the North West Frontier and its people still very much in his heart I send my heart felt condolences to the family (and friends) of Shahbaz Bhatti. A man who was true to what he believed, even to death, who died so that others may live in freedom. I pray that his ultimate sacrifice will help to bring tolerance for religious minorities in Pakistan and all over the world.

  2. Please don't write comments here they need to be written into the specific posting on our free forum at

    or they will not be published.

  3. Sharazar Barkat23 March 2011 at 13:37


    .It isvery sad news. Everyday is the darkest day, in pakistan for Christians. Who will be next accused of blasphemy. Being a christian is Pakistan is itself a blasphemy among muslims.


    Sharazar Barkat

  4. Tribute to Mr Bhatti.See his comments at the cover of the coffee book "churches of Pakistan".
    A book worth buying.
