Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Shahbaz Bhatti has been assassinated!

Shahbhaz Bhatti RIP Pakistan mourns a hero!

Shahbaz Bhatti the Christian Minister for Minorities in Pakistan was killed in a gun attack nearby his home in Islamabad. His car was said to be riddled with bullets and the Federal Minister was pronounced dead on arrival to hospital.

This assassination is the second high profile killing of a senior ranking government official in Pakistan, in the space of 3 months and highlight's the volatile situation in Pakistan.

Both Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer (killed 4th January 2011) and Minister Shahbaz Bhatti were outspoken in their condemnation of the imprisonment of Asia Bibi- a mother of 5 falsely accused of blasphemy, under the Islamically biased Blasphemy Law of Pakistan.

These two humanitarians also called for reform of the Blasphemy law to ensure that all people were protected and abuses, relating to personal vendettas, would be reduced.

Shabhaz Bhatti has on several occasions highlighted the significant death threats placed upon him. Moreover, security measures had been increased following the death of Governor Salman Taseer. Even with this increased protection another Senior Government Official has lost his life in an assassination, highlighting the need for urgent action to resolve the internal crises consuming Pakistan.

Wilson Chowdhry of the BPCA said:

"The killing of Governor Taseer highlights the dangers faced by humanitarian voices and illustrates that no one is safe from the vindictive retribution of extremists. The family of Shahbaz Bhatti have our thoughts and prayers and we also pray for God's protection over the minorities of Pakistan. In this act of violence the fanatical element of Pakistan have tried to suppress the growing freedom movement, we pray that other leaders will fill the vacuum created by the loss of two of our loudest proponenets. We call upon Western Governments to instate religious persecution as a verified reason for Asylum - it is now unacceptable to ignore the plight of Pakistani Christians and other minorities."

Further details can be found here updates will follow:

and here:

Wilson Chowdhry has been interviewed by the following radio stations who will be featuring the news at the times indicated:

Premier News (News from 10:00 and a main feature at 17:45 % people have been interviewed and they will cycle through the interviews, so Wilson will not be on every hourly news bite)

Sunrise Radio (News features from 14:00 - 21:00)

TWR Radio (News features from 12:00)

BBC Asian Network (12:00 - 12:30 main news feature - hourly bulletins from there on)


  1. Its really a sad news for all the christian community. We in Pakistan facing the discriminatoin everyday. And i would reqeust to all to put pressure on the Govt. to come up with wayout to secure the christian community as most of the christian even don't want to live in Pakistan.
    Through this forum i would request to all our leaders to please think about the community and make concrete action and wayforward to protect the community and future of the christian community.

    God bless all and especially to the Bhatti's family.


    Ashir Zia

  2. This is very sad news indeed. But we as christians should not be shocked for the bible declares that in the last days christains will suffer persecution. When we stand up for God we will ineviateble putting ourselves in the hotspot.The world is winding up and Christ coming is imminent. Whilst this news does bring sadness to me and clearly unacceptable the comfort I draw in knowing the the word of God is truth and he really is coming back. I encourage you all to be strong, be couragous and stand for him that is able to not just kill the body but the spirit. For although the outward man perishes the inward man is renewed daily.

  3. the brutal killing of Mr. Shehbaz is open threat to Democracy and liberal voice in Pakistan. we dont want an Islamic Republic but rather The Republic of Pakistan which was the dream of Quaid-e- Azam and not these bloody fanatics.

  4. This is terrible news, I could not believe it when I heard that the only Christian minister has been assasinated. This is a real step backwards. However we need to pray for the family and for the Christian community that they would not be deterred from making their voices known, and that others would take this man's place with the guidance and protection of Christ.

  5. Independent Pakistan Media2 March 2011 at 13:31

    Shahbaz Bhatti Martyred in Islamabad

    Federal Minister of Minorities Mr Shahbaz Bhatti has been assassinated in Islamabad today - Wednesday 02 March 2011.

    Despite severe threats and warnings by the extremists he stood firm by his principle stand against the growing misuse of the Blasphemy Laws and had launched a campaign to reform this Law.

    Shahbaz Bhatti has paid the ultimate price by laying down his life for the principles he believed in.

    Recently, after taking oath as Federal Minister for Minorities in the newly constituted Federal Cabinet, Shahbaz Bhatti while talking to the media stated “I as a humble servant of Jesus Christ will continue to serve the suffering, victimized and persecuted communities and am ready to even sacrifice my life to defend the principles of religious freedom, human equality and the rights of minorities.”

    Today the religious minorities of Pakistan stand orphaned as they have lost a truly courageous, dedicated and committed leader, who fearlessly raised a voice for the rights of minorities, justice and religious freedom.

  6. Wilson,

    This is terrible news. I pray for your safety, brother.

    God bless you,

    Steve Carroll

  7. A Martyr indeed!

    Let us thank God for his witesses who are so bravely ready to shed their blood for Him.

    And pray for Pakistan!

  8. As Jesus gave His life for those he loved so Shahbaz Bhatti has given his life for those he loved. May God bless his family in their grief.

  9. Stephen Phillips2 March 2011 at 16:25

    Thank you Wilson,

    We at Allied Christian Worship Centre (Stevenage) are praying for all the persecuted in largely Muslim dominated countries. We also pray for the families left behind. Shahbaz himself, however, is where we all hope to be one day and his bravery in the face of lethal threat is an inspiration and encouragement to us all.

    God Bless…

    Stephen Phillips

  10. Dear brother-in-Christ:

    I condemned this brutal murder of Shahbaz Bhatti, Federl Minister for Minorities Affairs.
    May hissoulrest in peace and LORD JESUS save HIS folk in Pakistan.


  11. The blood of the martyrs has always been the seed of the church."Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die.........". Praise God for this faithful man who has now entered the presence of his Lord.And may that same Lord reveal himself to his murderers,that they may come to know his mercy and forgiveness.

  12. I too condemn the murder of Shahbaj Bhatti is a slap on humanitarian & liberal voices in Pakistan. His assassinators - the anti Islamic people only defame Pakistan in world.
    I pray the almighty to rest his soul in peace and give strength to his family which beers a sudden loss of his demise.

  13. Beloved in Christ we are living in the last days on earth amd we should not feel isolated or shocked at the sad news of our dear Brother. We shall see him again in glory we have got to prepare ourselves for the future rewards of heaven and the knowledge we have of our Saviour we are sold out for JESUS CHRIST regardles of the opinions of men, let's not allow fear to dominate our lives but rather let us not fear in losing our lives for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ all Christain who are sold out for Jesus lift your righteous head high because we will experience suffering because we serve the true and living God we pray for our Brother Shahbaz Batti Families and friends we lift them up in prayers.let rejoice and be glad this is not our home.

  14. As I feared things will get worse until they get better. And they will only get better once Pakistan and similar backward societies have been dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world. Above all the blasphemy law should be repealed and there should be separation between religion and state.

  15. Deepest condolences to this brave man`s family!
    I pray regularly for christians in muslim majority countries around the world.
    Persecution has increased exponentially around the world. I pray that our Lord Jesus will come quickly to stop the terrible bloodshed!

  16. I posted an article "In memoriam Shahbaz Bhatti":

    In includes quotes, photos and a video of brother Shahbaz, may he rest in peace.

  17. I posted an article "In memoriam Shahbaz Bhatti":

    In includes quotes, photos and a video of brother Shahbaz, may he rest in peace.

  18. We deplore this terrible murder and are praying for Asia's safety. We hope for a (better) future for all non-Muslim minorities in Pakistan
    Lyn Julius
    Harif (Jews of the Middle East and N Africa)

  19. Dear Leaders,

    Sad News! Shahbaz Bhatti too is gone. Another martyor.

    An other blow to poor and vulnerable Christans and so called Christian Leaders.

    Upto a great extent these so-called Christian Community and Church leaders are responsible
    of these prosecutions because they for their own benefits have never led the community unite.

    After every tragedy they highjack the incident and start shouting that they are dealing with the matter,
    they are supporting the victums, fighting the case, arranging lawyers, and approaching to Governments
    concerned even to the U.N.O.

    Now again they will arrange protests consisting 10-15 members from the community, shout a couple
    of hours opposite to the Pakistan High Commission and 10- Downing Street, make videos, take photos
    to boost before friends and relatives later or may be using for other personal gains. These Tanga groups
    are not doing any favour to the christians.

    Since last 25 years I have witnessed these protests but nothing has been changed. Now You need to change.
    Change strategies. Think about lobbying effectively. Unite your community. Hunger strikes infront of House
    of Commons, US Embassy, Pakistan High Commission and contact liberal muslim political parties. Involve local
    Churches Take part inlocal politics and use the power of your vote here and in Pakistan. Muslim political parties
    in Pakistan now need your vote. Negotiate with them.

    Think long term and short term steps.

    Anybody who is afraid of dying, dies every day. If we don't get up now we all will have to face one by one.

    Shahbaz Bhattis will keep on being killed.

    Aasias and Agenes' will keep on being blamed and prosecuted.

    Shazias and Magdalines will keep on being raped and murdered.

    Our young sisters and daughters will keep on being kidnapped and converted
    to Islam and pushed into forced marriages.

    Shanti Nagars, Gojras and churches will also be burnt in future too.

    Please open your eyes. Awake up.

    God bless you

    D. Nusrani

  20. This is so sad . May God give his family comfort and peace . I believe his soul rests with our Lord . God Bless him.

    Joy James

  21. I am so sad to hear about the martyrdom of a true Pakistani hero. May his soul rest in peace. He showed with his will and courage that leaders can stand up for their people even in the face of sure death.

  22. RIP, Mr. Bhatti

    Raymond MacDurrani

  23. The ministry of UMC Pakistan’s consolidate their condolences and salutations to the leader Shahbaz Bhatti who has been assassinated!

    Our compassions are smashed and spirit strikes on the outstanding to the great gape of our innocent leader Shahbaz Bahtti who has been assassinated by the revolutionary’s violence assault on our Christian community of Pakistan.

    We are not secure in the Pak-land i.e., called “Pakistan” where our community is suffering by the extremist’s hardship, lacking resources economically strive; politically stain, socially isolated, educationally downfallen, psychologically and religiously exaggerated. We are in the vain of procedures, may the Lord remain us in His right hand to protect, lead, guide and guard us from the wickedness once.
