Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Canonise Shahbaz Bhatti and remove foreign aid Budget to Pakistan - if human rights continue to be ignored!

Shahbaz Bhatti's death and the circumstances surrounding it such as his beligerent determination to stand against opression and to acknowledge Christ, have set him apart as a hero for a nation and his particular minority.

A recent appeal for his canonisation by the Catholic church has been initiated and I belive this will raise international awareness of the existence of Pakistani Christians. Although not a catholic, I believe as many other Christians do - that he was a martyr. As such if he was to be given canonical status it would be a great reward for his achievements and sacrifice and would benefit our community no end. I have placed their petition link below and urge Christians of all denominations to sign it:


I have created a petition to urge the British Government to have a stronger Foreign Policy on Pakistan:


I believe the aid budget should have a specific portion utilised to benefit the downtrodden minorities and that accountability, traceability and equity are required from Pakistan's end. Moreover, I believe that Britain should use the aid budget to lever better Human rights for all Pakistani's irrespective of faith.

1 comment:

  1. I live in NZ he is a saint. a martyr.Political pressure must be brought to bear. God bless your efforts.
