Creating a voice for Pakistani Christians!
A non-profit social enterprise limited by guarantee company ref: 08732752
Monday, 11 April 2011
BPCA attains social enterprise status
It is with great pleasure that I advise you that the BPCA has attained Limited Company non-profit status. Our original delay was due to the requirement for confirmation form a Government department regarding the usage of the word British in our title. After discussions between the Foreign Office and Companies House we were informed that it would be appropriate to apply for the name.
We are proud to advise you that since the 30th March 2011 we have been registered and our new Company number is 7585102. This number is now included on our blogsite and is in the process of being added to our website and other communication methods.
We are in desperate needs of funds to continue our work and hope that this step will encourage more of you to donate to a group that has become a beacon of hope for our beleaguered Christian Community of Pakistan.
In the coming weeks our delegates will be visiting flood victims in Pakistan with food and clothing packages. We would like to make this scheme a long term project and seek donations towards this aid effort. Ref: BPCA/Flood Relief
We will also be visiting the Family of Qamar David the man found dead in Prison after two years appealing against the life imprisonment imposed on him under false charges. We intend to provide a donation towards the upkeep of a family that have lost their main bread winner Ref: BPCA/Qamar David
We also intend to hold several large debates in the UK with prominent religious and political figures debating the need for a blasphemy law in Pakistan. Ref: BPCA/debates
We would also like to organise a peace concert at Trafalgar Square after our protest on the 2nd July. The protest will raise the profile of persecution in Pakistan and will raise awareness of the existence of Pakistani Christians. The event will be a multi-faith celebration of Pakistan and will only go ahead of enough funds are secured. Ref: BPCA/Peace Concert
We are also collecting funds towards two peace monument installations in Pakistan details of which can be found on our website at
We are in the process of applying for Charitable status and will keep our readers informed.
If you would like to contribute to any of our causes please send Cheques made payable :
British Pakistani Christian Association Ltd
57 Green Lane
Alternatively you can create a standing order or make a one off payment into our bank account:
Sort Code: 20-67-90
Account Number: 63468976
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