Saturday, 16 April 2011

Update on Farrukh Mustaq Gill and the false Quran Burning allegation.

Gujaranwala Christians attacked?

Many readers have asked for an update on the situation in Pakistan. I have two stories that conflict in areas so I provide both for your perusal. Professor Mobeen form the Vatican University advises us as follows (sic):

Dear Wilson,

thank you for the news about Mr. Mushtaq Gill which we got to know this morning because Mr. Riaz Faqir and Padri Sohail Mubarak's, who live in Rome, families too live in the same area of Gujranwala. I have been told that most of the christian's families evacuated their houses already last night and when this morning around 600 angry demostrants went to the area could not find anybody to hit. At this moment a group of muslim and christians representatives is with a counselor Mr. Eric and discussing the matter.

We pakistani christians in italy have already informed the Pakistani embassy in Rome and asked for their local intervention which has been assured. Mr. Shahbaz Hussain, Head of the Chancery, told us that they've check the news but at the moment no FIR (first information report) has been registered about the case.

Italian media also has been informed about the incident and the news is already available in the electronic media and tomorrow it will be published also in the printed media.

However I have received an anonymous post that would indicate that the situation has now calmed and that Christians have returned to their homes (sic):

"Update: I have just spoken to my friends in Pakistan who live within the same neighborhood as the Gill family. Thanks to God and the prayers of all believers, they were released from jail and have returned home. It was said there was 'lack of evidence'. Their is no mob demonstrating going on with the Muslims, and the Christians now feel safe enough to return to their homes within the community. Please continue to pray that the situation remains peaceful. Thank you."

I will ask our delegates in Pakistan to investigate and will get back to you with a confirmed position, by tomorrow. My aunt lives in Gujranwala and has left the city and she is not aware of a return to normality yet.

This is the clearest news story I could retrieve form the internet:

(Click Here)


  1. We came to know this morning about this situation and made contact with High Commission of Pakistan and spoke to a senior diplomat, who assured that he would investigate and come back to us within half-an-hour.

    He confirmed that police has not arrested the family but have taken them in a safe protection. Police is taking care and is asking everyone to comeback to their homes after people left the area and police will make sure the proper security and policing is maintained. No one has been charged and law enforcements agencies are monitoring the situation and embassy promised to keep us up-to-date.

    It is alarming but we must not do anything that could be detrimental to the family or the people living in Gujranwala.

    CPO of Gujranwala has confirmed to the senior diplomat of Pakistan High Commission that no one is arrested and the family is simply taken in a safe protection and the matter is under investigation.

    News has been conveyed to the people who are dealing with this case and contact has also been made with DCO Gujranwala in addition to, and everybody has assured that the family is in safe protection.

  2. This is my warmly request to America or Britain to please controle the whole command in Pakistan.

  3. Be Hold Christians all is from God. Its time to show faithfulness with God and Jesus so that we may able to get the crown of life.

  4. I fully agree with this poster. God bless you and all believers especially those in Pakistan. Riasat Mobashar, USA.
