Friday, 3 June 2011

Christian Resources Exhibition - Esher a great success!

Wilson seeking referrals for our regular bulletins.

Our protest flyers were distributed to over 2000 visitors.

Some of you will have visited our stall at the Esher event from the 10th - 13th May 2011.  It was our first attendance at the prestigious Christian event and we learned much form the experience.  We decided to order a stall on the Friday before the event after receiving, a personal donation from Manoj Raithatha from South Asian Forum and from Ranbir Singh of the Hindu Human Rights Group.

Just in case you were wondering why Ranbir Singh sent us a donation here is his comment;

"I read your recent email with great sorrow the work that you and the BPCA are doing has been immensely important and has helped build wide community bridges amongst people of different faiths and no faith.  Your attempts to create better linkage between groups working on similar issues is remarkable and elicits your true intent to bring peace where schism and persecution exists.

On behalf of the Hindu community of the UK in my capacity as Chairperson for the Hindu Human Rights Group I would like to offer a small donation of £100, that I hope will trigger further funds from within the Pakistani Christian community.  I believe they should in truth be rallying behind a group and individual, that have placed the equality agenda for Pakistan firmly into international scrutiny."

 We were particularly grateful as without their funding the burgeoning costs to attend would have been beyond our remit.

The event had an attendance of in excess of 10,000 people and we secured a referral list of just over 100 people who are now on our email distribution list and consequently will be praying for Pakistan.  We would have reached many other people had I a few more volunteers.  My one volunteer - Ranbir Singh from the Hindu Human Rights Group - could only make Tuesday and Wednesday (10th - 11th).  This meant that whilst talking with one visitor others just took leaflets and walked away, reducing the potential for effective engagement.  Our group desperately needs volunteers for forthcoming events and hope that some of you may wish to join our team.

We would like to give our thanks to Jack Cornish from a group called Tateside for providing us with pictures of our stall form the event.  Although meagre in design it served great purpose by increasing awareness of the existence of Pakistani Christians, the persecution they face and also informed visitors of our forthcoming protest on the 2nd July. We are in need of volunteers for our protest on the 2nd July and pray that some of you will contact us to share in a day of worship, praise, prayer and an opportunity to sound out an appeal for justice for the forgotten minorities of Pakistan.

More details on our protest:

More details on Tateside - published by our own volition and not through any request from Tateside:

"We all need to get our message across. To do that we need the right tools for the job. We'd like to think a well designed quality Audio Visual system is one of those tools. Tateside offer bespoke installation services to the worship sector offering complete Audio and Visual solutions. Please get in touch to book a free site visit. Call: 0207 803 0923 Email: Web:"

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