Thursday, 30 June 2011

If God is with us who can be against us!

This badge describes how we should feel!

Progress with the procession has been difficult but we seem to have overcome a number of hurdles this year.  Our event clashes with Gay Pride's annual event after the organisers changed their original dates due to internal and external pressures.  This has meant the Police and I have had to wrangle over a number of changes to our event in order to accommodate both events safely.  It would seem that information from Scotland Yard about the event was cascaded to Kensington Police very late in the day and despite my early application (1 year in advance), the larger scale of Pride has meant they have been given precedence.  The Police have been very apologetic about the matter and I hold no enmity or anger - besides they have given a very good second option - have had to squeeze hard for some of the allowances.

Our time at both 10 Downing Street and the Pakistan Embassy has increased and we shall also be holding a smaller but just as effective procession.   The very nature of a protest march is limiting and our best enquiry footfall and leaflet distribution has always been at the two rallying points.  Details of our protest start times can be found here:

We have had a few guests cancelled i.e. Canon Yacub Masih who has had to cancel due to personal reasons. Two churches - Walthamstow led by Pastor Shabaz and Ilford led by Shaheen Zar, have prior engagements for this year. However, they have said they will be attending next year.  This will not impact too much on our event as we are yet to see a presence from Canon Yacub Masih and the other leaders mentioned. However, we are encouraged by the commitment for next year.

Nelson Church has organised a 50 man coach to join us on the 2nd and Sheem Gill from Scotland has organised a number of visitors from Scotland. 

Despite us losing key speaker Canon Yacub Masih, we have gained the support of the Baluchistan Community and we will be graced by the presence and words from Faiz Baluch who will represent two groups "International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons" and CAMPACC.  Moreover, if Nazi Holocaust Survivor Dr Martin Stern can attend and participate at our event after travelling from Sheffield - then what is stopping other younger and more able people, or our elders...

When I told Premier Christian Radio of David Dean, Akmal Zahid and Kenneth Massey's efforts to get so much involvement from their church at our protest,  they were so inspired. They agreed to interview them and retain their contact details for future reference.  For those of you who are coming to our event look out for their choir who will be performing the two Urdu Zaboor of the day.  Fear not, we also have four English Worship songs...

We also received a confirmation that Women Against Fundamentalism will be speaking at our event. We are especially pleased as our sisters from this group have been at everyone of our events and  are our always esteemed guests.

To entice you all, I confirm we will be serving samosas and free bottled water at our event (first come first served).


  1. Sir i from pakistan and want to tell you i got married with a muslim girl she is want be converted but here we have trouble her parents can kill us.... please help us

  2. Wilson Chowdhry30 June 2011 at 14:09

    Please email me on

  3. Hello Christian brother and your beloved,
    The Lord is powerful and is in control of your situation. The way the Lord Jesus loves His sheep is beyond words. He cares for you so much that He gave His life for you so that you will be delivered from sin and be called righteous.
    I trust God your situation will turn into something very positive. We have heard so much of tragedy befalling Pakistani Christians that one piece of good news will warm our hearts and give hope to the Pakistani Christians. I will be overjoyed to hear that their love has triumphed and that even God will change the girl's parents' hearts and make them know Christ as their Saviour. Let love triumph oh Lord for your own sake.
