Monday, 20 June 2011

Please pray for my family in Pakistan...

As I write this blog post two ISI agents have again visited my in-laws house this is a further attempt by the Pakistani High Commission at intimidating the BPCA into staying quiet.  This is now the 3rd visit to my father in law and as you can imagine, the entire family is upset and anxious about just how insidious a development this is. Read previous post here:

Today the officers have accused my family in Pakistan of saying anti-Islamic messages through the BPCA and have stated that they will continue to receive impromptu visits. 

Several times I have sought from the High Commission an explanation for the visits from ISI agents to my in-laws, in tandem with a request for details of an appeals process to my ban from Pakistan. I have yet to receive any response.  Today I will copy our network into the original email and urge you all to email a message of support using contact details provided, asking for a curtailment to this pernicious treatment of myself and my family - which seems to have intensified the nearer our protest approaches:

For those of you who are not on my email distribution, I include a copy of the letter which has been sent by recorded post and email to the High Commissioner's Office:

Your Excellency Wajid shamul Hasan High Commissioner of Pakistan.

Re: Ban from Pakistan.

I write to you to request a removal of my ban from travelling to Pakistan. I am concerned that the ban has been imposed on me for alleged rude and violent behaviour when the false allegation made regarding my attack on a diplomat and member of your staff, were dropped following a police request for CCTV footage of the incident.

I have no doubt that the CCTV footage would have indicated quite clearly and in no uncertain terms, that I was forcibly pushed into the diplomatic confines of the High Commission building, and that the woman claiming to have been hit by me was not even close to the affray during it's short term.  Your Security Officer hurt his hands on my cheeks bones and had to terminate his offensive prematurely as a consequence.

Fortunately, I suffered no long term injury barring the ignominy of being incarcerated for the two hours it took for the High Commission to make the just decision to drop charges, knowing full well video evidence would have been incriminating.

I am shocked at the least to see that no action has been taken against the staff that contrived against me and concocted the spurious accusations. It would seem that the Christian marginalisation the British Pakistani Christian Association is challenging in Pakistan ,has infiltrated the rank and file of High Commission staff here in the UK. This is a very disconcerting

I am rather discombobulated that the High Commission have not been able to obtain a copy of the letter produced by Nafees Zekaria informing me of the ban - which my wife ripped in disgust at the time of the collection - without which I cannot structure an appeal correctly. Moreover, I am particularly concerned that no appeals process has been provided to my Personal Assistant despite several requests.

With this dilemma I write and email you direct with my concerns, in hope that you might be able to locate that original visa exclusion letter and provide an appropriate channel for appeal. Without such assistance I will not be able to visit my family in Pakistan.

I also write to request that whosoever from the High Commission has instructed visits to my in-laws house in Pakistan in an attempt to gain details of my personal life, is questioned on the need for such action. The two visits that have been authorised by the High Commission have created much anxiety and undue pressure on an innocent Christian Family.

Please advise

Kind regards

Wilson Chowdhry

If you would like to support my request for a termination of the ban imposed on me preventing a vist to Pakistan and a cessation of ISI Vvisits to the the home of my wife's family please use the email's below to regiuster your concerns:

His Excellency High Commissioner for Pakistan Wajid Shamshul Hasan:

The High Commissioners PA Naghma Butt:

PA to the General Secretary Nafees Zakaria (who imposed the ban):

I have been advised that the ISI are observing my work and movements and I believe that the threat is a real one made with animosity and a desire to cause fear and anxiety.  I remind you that in the original incident at the High Commission a diplomat was overheard by my wife saying;

"...if Wilson continues with his campaigning we will deal with him" 

His words have come into fruition and I register this concern with you all now, so that if my life is lost in mysterious circumstances, that those of you that have been with me on this journey, are aware of the threat that has been hanging over me for some time now.



  2. Praying also Wilson and will post on my fb page - Blessings - Rene

  3. I think you make up good stories for your future Political career.

  4. Dear last anonymous I am sorry you feel that way, if a tragedy befalls my family I hope you will apologise.

  5. Wilson, we are praying for you and your family. We are with you all the way.

  6. Dear Wilson

    It is very said people think in a negative way. We are concerned you and your family that God Almighty will protect you and your family. Jesus help those who ask help and guidance. Update us the latest outcome. Pray for you.


  7. May God bless you and bring you peace, the power to stand up for what is right, and the right words to speak should you be accused, as He has promised.

  8. Dear Wilson,
    If God is for us, who can be against us.God is sovereign. He controls absolutely everything. He knows the thoughts of every man before they become actions. He permits things for His own glory.
    Be comforted,cling to the Lord. There is a reason for everything. You can't be with your family but Jesus Christ promised he will be with each one of us everyday until the end of time.
    Remember that The Lord we serve is a failure in the eyes of the world but we crown Him with many crowns because He is the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Emmanuel, Bright Morning Star. He is God. Be comforted. close your eyes. Feel Him holding you, the Lion of Judah.
    Forgive them because they are blind. We were all like that until God opened our spiritual eyes and we could see our helpless, hopeless condition before a thrice holy God and the love He showed us by allowing His Son to be slaughtered for our sins, in our place.
    I pray constant peace in your mind and heart brother Wilson and our sister your wife and your in-laws.
    Hear the hymn In Christ alone. It's comforting.
    I give glory to our Lord that you are worthy to suffer for Him.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I think you make up good stories for your future Political career.
    20 June 2011 12:38

    ^^^^ lol i would probably bet 100 pounds this guy is a muslim

  10. Hello Wilson

    my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

    Keep up the good work and keep on believing.

    Not sure what else I can say at this point, but pray that God will fill that area that needs to be filled.


  11. Not sure what to say, other than intolerance comes from ignorance... with that out of the way, I tend to follow my grandfather's advice - 'do not be present where you are not welcome'. Peace be with you!

  12. My Prayers are with you Wilson..I can't believe this is happening in this day and age. S Hayat

  13. Alan Craig Christian Peoples Alliance21 June 2011 at 11:10

    HI Wilson,

    Let me know if there's anything I can do. Meanwhile we will of course be praying for you and your family.


  14. T Chaudhry ccoeurope/ccaeurope/odce21 June 2011 at 14:30

    As you strugling to speak truth so dont worry pray an Lord will give you stregth,wisdom to face the army of devil we kee you in our prayers God bless
    t chaudhry

  15. Dear Bro
    Our prayers are with you but Bro be very careful and perhaps get you in-laws out of the area for a short while,till things settle down a bit.

    Khuram (Nelson)

  16. Revd. Dr. Darrell D. Hannah21 June 2011 at 15:45


    Please be assured of my prayers for you and your family. I will ask others in my church to pray for you. I hope to be present on the 2nd July.

    Grace and peace,


    Revd. Dr. Darrell D. Hannah
    All Saints' Rectory
    London Road

  17. Hello Wilson

    I am shocked to hear this and will be praying for you.

    Is there anything else I can do?

    God bless


  18. Dear Wilson,

    I am praying - so sorry brother that you are experiencing this, even in the UK, it really is disconcerting; shameful really.

    Have prayed and I believe you will certainly live to the Glory of The Lord!

    Our love & God bless,

  19. Hi Wilson,
    Reading all the tragedy befalling in Pakistan, my flesh says where is God but my spirit lifts my soul up to look at Jesus. He is there. He has suffered the worst. He has been abandoned by His Father to die for our sins but He is forever with us if we are really His.
    In the face of persecution, don't give up. Our kingdom is not of this world. To die for Him is gain. We need to grow up our children that death can separate all of us but to die for Christ is worth it.
    But the free church needs to fight ceaselessly for the persecuted church. It's a sin if we don't.
    We crown Him with many crowns.
    He never leaves us. This is His promise.

  20. Wilson,

    I am deeply saddened and angered to hear of the trials you are experiencing. This is so unnecessary and is of no credit to anyone - except those who endure with dignity the indignities foisted upon them.

    I am writing to the High Commissioner to express my deep concern at actions that do Pakistan no service and which serve only to diminish her international reputation.

    We are watching and we a thinking of you and your family. If Pakistani authorities wish to silence you, they would do better to award natural justice to all their citizens - regardless of religion. Persecution is ugly and entirely JUVENILE. Grow up Pakistan - keep going Wilson.

    Mike Fuller

  21. just pray with authority!
    In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ
    of Nazereth who came in the flesh
    I bind the strongman of death, witchcraft, heresy, religion, and false doctrine and I comand satan and his demons to loose their hold on the minds, hearts and bodies of everyone in bondage to hatred, retribution and retaliation I tear down stronghold and I command they be set free!
    Holy Spirit I ask that you touch and convict their hearts of sin, Heavenly Father I ask that you draw and enable them to come to Messiah Yeshua and receive salvation with power, let them know the Truth and be set free, remove the scales off their eyes, prepare their hearts to be good soil so that they will receive Your word and produce a million fold.
    and we bind every demon on assignment and we cancel and nullify every plan. plot, scheme and conspiracy, and we refute and silence every lying tongue that raises itself against the knowledge of the Most High God, send your angels Holy Lord to do warfare, rescue and protect humanity, and demonstrate Your Mercy and Power in the land of the living InThe Mighty Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ of Nazereth who came in the flesh amen

  22. Dear Wilson,

    May He who created and sustains the Universe and all that is in it give you and your family, through His bountiful grace, love and mercy, the overwhelming peace of His presence with you all at this most difficult time.

    Yours in Christ,

    M. Kennedy

  23. Wilson,
    my prayers are with your family in Pakistan and your continued good work here in the UK.


  24. Have made a note to pray. love in Jesus, YH

  25. Dear Wilson

    You are in my prayers, I have drawn your situation to the attention of my contacts.

    God bless,


    Julian Bond

    Christian Muslim Forum

  26. Cosette Avakian29 June 2011 at 15:37

    I shall certainly pray for your safety, as well as your family in Pakistan.

  27. Marcelllo Marinoni3 July 2011 at 14:56

    Dear Wilson,
    I'm sorry I didn't know of this when we met yesterday. Please be assured of my constant prayers for you and your family.

    Your brother in Christ,


  28. strange people with strange ambitions... last Pakistani christian need here in pakistan is someone from their own talking stupid about their country whereas one should really critices the clergy men of ones own religion... They all are at fault and are the ones to be blamed...
