Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Stephen Green from Christian Voice to speak at our 2nd July Protest!

Wilson and Stephen at this  years Asia Bibi protest.

We are pleased to announce that Stephen Green from Christina voice who attended our last protest has confirmed his attendance at this years event.  Learn more about his commitment at last years protest here:

Stephen commented on why he was joining us at this years protest;

"The way Pakistan's blasphemy law is being used to persecute my Christian brothers and sisters is something I cannot ignore and pass by on the other side.  The Bible says, 'As we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially those who are of the household of faith.' (Gal 6:10).  Christians in the UK can be far too parochial.  We shall be judged on whether we stood up for the oppressed and I am determined not to be found wanting in that day.  To come to this rally and witness to the Pakistan authorities is the very least I can do."

Please pray for God to inspire people through the words spoken from our guest speakers at this years protest.

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