Friday, 24 June 2011

Welsh Christians rally in support of Pakistani Christians and the people of Baluchistan!

A night of support for the Christians of Pakistan
at Capel Rehoboth, Nant Peris, Gwynedd LL55 4UG
 on Sunday, 10th July at 7 30 p.m.
with  renowned soloist Zeshan Rahab from the Punjab
A speech on the Persecution of Pakistani Christians by Wilson Chowdhry of London (Leader of the British Pakistani Christian Association)
Also discussed will be the issue of Pakistan's occupation and persecution of the Baluchi nation
Details: 07588256783 or 07718982732 

yng Nghapel Rehoboth,
Nant Peris,
Gwynedd LL55 4UE
ar Nos Sul, 10fed o Orffennaf
am 7. 30 p.m.
gyda'r canwr swynol Zeshan Rahab
Araith ar ormes ar Gristnogion Pacistan
gan  Wilson Chowdhry, (arweinydd Cymdeithas Cristnogion Pacistanaidd ym Mhrydain)
Hefyd sylw ar ormes Pacistan ar genedl y Baluchi
Manylion: 07588256783 neu 07718982732

Info from Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen :(where Zeshan will sing during that week)"Zeshan Rahab will be the first ever Pakistani soloist in the Llangollen International Eisteddfod's 65 year history.  He will sing and play the harmonium, performing traditional Urdu Ghazal music that is of deep and personal meaning to the Pakistani Christian Church.  Zeshan said, “It is a great honour for me to be the first Pakistani soloist to perform and compete at such a well regarded international festival. I’m proud to be able to bring Urdu Ghazal music to  Wales." Zeshan went on to say: “I’m especially looking forward to performing in Llangollen, a place that I have heard is so beautiful.”
Pakistan is home to more than 187 million people, 97% of which are Muslim.  In recent years tension between the majority Muslim communities and minority Christians groups has risen. Zeshan’s hometown is Gujranwala in North West Punjab, an industrial town of four million Muslims and half a million Christians, who have lived together peacefully for many years.  Recently false blasphemy charges were filed against a Christian father and son from the Christian Technical College, and violence erupted against the poor Christian colonies of Gulzar and Aziz.
Moderate Muslim and Christian leaders organized peace rallies where ghazal music was played and the situation has since improved. The blasphemy law has seen many Christians as well as Muslims arrested under false cases for personal grudges or enmity and even professional jealousy.
Encouraged by his Christian parents, Zeshan began to learn harmonium at the age of 12. Like many Pakistanis Zeshan left his country to find work abroad, where poverty is a growing concern.  He was discovered working as a labourer in Dubai and brought to the U.K. by the Anglican Chaplain of the inter-denominational Holy Trinity Church, Dubai, Revd. John Weir who said: “Zeshan is really looking forward to performing at the Eisteddfod. It was a struggle bringing him to Wales, but I believe his talent should be shared with the world and with so many different countries performing and competing in Llangollen this year." 
His journey to Llangollen has not been without incident. After Christian friends and supporters in Dubai offered sponsorship for his travel costs, his harmonium was taken apart and damaged by airport security."


  1. Dear fellow saints,
    I am here in Lahore Pakistan and would love& like to see here any support and activity or out come by British Pakistani association struggling for the uplift of Pakistani Christians,Please direct and point out uplifting of Pakistani Christ followers struggle by BPCA.
    Much Grace to you all saints
    In Him a brother,

  2. Paul Oldenburg28 June 2011 at 15:31

    God bless
