Thursday 21 July 2011

Persecution report writing service for Asylum Applications.

To raise income for the BPCA we have for some while been producing reports for individuals and Solicitors.  The report provides evidence of the overall discrimination, prejudice, oppression and persecution of minorities in Pakistan.  We have been charging fees of £200 to Solicitors of whom 100% have reported that they have succeeded with their applications.  We cannot gauge how much of that success is due to our report but I have been told we were a significant contributing factor.

If any Pakistani Christian would like to purchase the report form us direct for a limited time only we are willing to offer a report on our headed paper for a fee of £75.  Some of our early-bird brothers have benefited from a lower fee, however as we receive little financial support from our own churches we have been forced to charge this rate.

If you would like to order a report please contact us by email at or call 020 8514 0861.

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