Tuesday 16 August 2011

Images of atrocities and natural devastation highlight Pakistan's failings in Karachi and the aftermath of last years flooding. Scottish Parliament a force for good in a dark world.

Whilst travelling to Scotland last week I visited the Scottish Parliament and was intrigued by the photo collection on display there.  The collection focused on world atrocities and natural disasters.

The Haitian Earthquake, Rio's slums and killings in Africa featured heavily.  What really struck me though, was a display on Pakistan, it described killings in Karachi, highlighting the awful and ever present danger of death by gunshot, a consequence of simply living in this lawless Pakistani town. 

Only recently I posted the story of Pervais Masih a Christian shot dead in a purported land grab incident in the very same city.  So for me it was a pleasant surprise to see this attempt by Scottish Parliament to highlight the awful societal breakdown existing in Karachi.  Let us pray that this display becomes a stimulus for change in a broken down nation.

Mention of religious persecution was ever so slightly mentioned but at least it drew a much wider global attention to the sectarianism and inequalities of Karachi and Pakistan in general.

Apologies for the obscure image my cousin's phone could not shade out the bright light.

I believe my cousin's finger caused the orange glow, however, you can still feel the ensuing panic after a shooting took place.

There were also images of the flood devastation from last year.

People caught in the deluge can be seen struggling to find a sure footing in city awash with flood water and heavy debris.

This image of a child sleeping out in the open with no protection form adverse weather and infestation, brings home the need for assistance for this beleaguered nation.  The BPCA is still continuing it flood support details of which can be found by clicking on our appeals link at the top of this blog.

The severe wind would no doubt have created an unbearable wind chill factor.  However, many of these hard people survived.

A father and son walking through the deep water, how must they have felt as they watched their worldly possessions disappear before them.  For the Christian communities I am aware that belief in God, his love and his promise of support, was a comforting vision.

This is an image of the overall display regarding Pakistan - part of a much larger global collection.  If you are travelling to Scotland this display in the Scottish Parliament Foyer is a must see.  So a trip to the romantic setting of Edinburgh is requisite, besides the world famous Fringe Festival does not end till the end of the month.  

Even on holiday I cannot forget about our suffering brothers in Pakistan...

1 comment:

  1. the photos are at on the site at http://www.worldpressphoto.org/photo/2011danielberehulakpns1-al?gallery=890

    the link takes you to the flood photos
