Thursday 4 August 2011

What is Farah doing right now?

Before her kidnapping and forced marriage to a Muslim, Farah enjoyed her life as a free girl with loving parents. She had the freedom of movement, of thought, of expression, of choosing to marry the man of her choice I presume.

Why should men kidnap girls and force them into marriage? We are in 2011. We are no longer living in barbaric times. Are there not enough Muslim girls who will be more than willing to marry Muslim men? Why do this wicked act? What do they get by doing something like this?

Christianity is all about a way of life. Conversion does not come from man. It is the Holy Spirit's domain. We can never force people to convert to Christianity. It's God who calls, who opens our eyes, makes us repent, chooses us, gives us faith. Salvation starts with God. Because if salvation were man's domain, what would it be? Man would choose only those whom he calls 'righteous'. But I prefer God's righteousness because in His kingdom there are former whores, gays, lesbians, murderers, robbers, liars, rebels, deceivers, cheats and other sinners. To God there are no categories of sinners. We all have fallen short of God's glory.

My prayer is that Farah's husband will know the joy of being a Christian, saved by the blood of Christ and Farah will enjoy freedom in Christ by also knowing the joy of salvation in Christ. Farah to many, may have made the wrong choice by choosing her new Muslim family but we forget God's intervention. The God of the bible says He is in control of everything in this world; everything means really everything, every decision made by every single human being any time in history. Remember Hitler and his concentration camps. He treated anyone not resembling an Aryan as trash, good to be burnt alive in his cremation ovens: children,middle aged men, women, old people. No-one was spared. The young girls became sex slaves of the Nazis until they became useless, fit to die. Where was the God of the bible? Many believing and God-fearing Christians were killed or died from ill treatment in the infamous concentration camps. Where was Christ? He was with them.
Let's go to Hebrews 11 and read about the fate of the people of God. They died for the faith. They knew whom they believed yet they were still waiting for the Messiah. We are privileged because we have the promise. Jesus died on the Cross, was resurrected and is our mediator. We have the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords loving us, working in our lives. So with His mighty help, can Farah not be saved?
God knows every little detail of Farah's life. He holds her present and her future. There are many Farah's living this ordeal and God knows it.

There is one thing we can do and ought to do if we call ourselves Christians: campaign for her release, do 24 hr of prayer and fasting yearly. We take turns. There are thousand of churches across the free world, in UK, Europe and the Americas.


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