Thursday 29 September 2011

Dengue Fever spreading across Pakistan - more specifically Christian Enclaves

Image of Dengue Fever sufferer at Itefaq Hospital, Lahore.

The British Pakistani Christian Association informed our readers of the spread of Dengue fever (virus-based disease spread by mosquitoes), after the recent inundation in Pakistan. First reported by us on the 22nd September 2011:

This debilitating disease has taken many victims with hundreds having lost their lives already.  Our research has indicated that Christian and other minority enclaves have been hit worst due to the poverty in these areas, many areas have excessive stagnant water a consequence of this years flooding, moreover local sewage and drain systems are uncovered, both of which attract mosquitoes.

Symptoms of Dengue fever are best described as a sudden high fever, often as high as 104 - 105 degrees Fahrenheit. A flat, red rash may appear over most of the body 2 - 5 days after the fever starts. A second rash, which looks like the measles, appears later in the disease. Infected people may have increased skin sensitivity and are very uncomfortable.

Other symptoms include:
  • Headache (especially behind the eyes)
  • Fatigue
  • Joint aches
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Vomiting
All in all, the disease is one that causes great strain on the sufferer and their family, however, in most instances the disease is not fatal.  If treated early and in an appropriate manner with proper treatment.

The BBC and CNN have reported on the rise in infections of Dengue Fever:

Sadly, on the 25th September 2011 we reported the death of Aslam Masih (RIP 09.09.11), a victim incarcerated under the Blasphemy laws of Pakistan who contracted the disease as a consequence of the poor sanitation and welfare available to him. In his unfortunate case, prison management acted negligently and had not permitted treatment for Aslam.  Read more about Aslam here:

Many deaths have already resulted from an inability to pay for extortionate medical fees that have risen as a consequence of a surge in demand, following 6000 reported sufferers in Lahore and 300 sufferers in Karachi (our first report 22.09.11).   The figures relating to sufferers is on a steep incline yet the government of Pakistan fails to recognise that this illness has now become an epidemic and has still to respond to the dire needs of it's people.  

Muslim Aid agencies are refusing to give aid to Christian families in the same way they ignored our community last year.  Their ultimatum of convert or die is one that is equally sonorous and provides more evidence of the widespread Islamic conservatism in a country, that in recent times has gained a reputation for hard-line views.

We are in touch with families that have been victims of the terrible ailment who have informed us of the physical/mental strain and anguish they have gone through.  Moreover many have had to sell personal items to pay for treatment.  Families have lost income through not being able to work and for many of them their only hope for survival is in God.  Please pray for this awful malaise to disappear from these poor suffering people who in recent years have been hit with disaster after disaster.

The British Pakistani Christian Association is continuing with it's flood appeal in the same manner as last year and will be providing food, shelter and sanitation support to Christian communities and wider adjoining faith communities.  In particular this year we will also be providing the medical fees and associated medical treatment costs required to assist sufferers of Dengue fever.  We will also be recompensing impoverished families who have lost income to pay for treatment.

If you would like to contribute please use the Pay Pal facility on our blog or website.  Alternatively you can pay any donations directly into our Bank Account using the following details:

Account:         63468976
Sort Code:      20-67-90

Should you wish to donate by cheque please use the following details

British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA FLOOD/DENGUE APPEAL)
57 Green Lane

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