Sunday 25 September 2011

Mother’s Love in war-ripped DRC

I wrote this poem some years ago for the abused women in the Democratic Republic of Congo but today what I am hearing and reading about all the abuse women from minority groups  face in Pakistan, I want to dedicate this poem also to all the beautiful and courageous women of Pakistan.
To all the beautiful mothers of DRC
Soldiers killed the
Husband with a machete,
Opened him up,
Removed his organs  
And burnt them.
 Then hacked him to pieces.

Flies-infested pieces –
Feast for stray dogs.

Soldiers raped the wife once.
She conceived, she delivered.

Raped her twice.
She conceived, she delivered.

Raped her thrice.
She conceived, she delivered.

Raped her
A fourth time:

A baby girl
Was born
In the make-shift shack
In the south of Kovu.

Her cadaverous mum
Guided her mouth
To her nipple.
The baby sucked
Huddled together with mum,
Her brother and sister,
Bellies bloated,
Eyes sunken,
For the relief of death.


Mother buried
Her other son
With famine tears.

She wanted to give away
Her new born daughter
To that woman journalist
Who had promised
To visit her again...

She might be
For DRC.

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