Wednesday 12 October 2011

Another year, another Flood, yet more discrimination

Just like last year, discrimination against minorities, including Christians, has been widespread. Religious and charitable organisations have given aid only to Muslims, with minorities explicitly told that the food is 'only for Muslims'. Dalits are treated this way as our Christians, who are told 'Western Missionaries think about you'.

The discrimination is not just restricted to food and emergency shelter. It is also occurring in the grants of plots of land to people to recover from the floods. There are several reports that Christians and minorities, even though often the worst affected, are being denied land plots and similar help, whether due to bad organisation or deliberate discrimination by the land revenue officers who are responsible for this scheme. In some cases, people who already have over 20 acres of land are being granted plots of land, but Christians with nothing are getting no land plots.

BPCA has an ongoing appeal for flood victims and the related Dengue Plague.
If you would like to contribute please use the Pay Pal facility on our blog or website. Alternatively you can pay any donations directly into our Bank Account using the following details:

Account: 63468976
Sort Code: 20-67-90

with the reference BPCA FLOOD/DENGUE APPEAL so we can identify what the donation is for.
Should you wish to donate by cheque please use the following details (again with the same reference to show the purpose of the donation)

British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane

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